2001 GMC Sonoma 2.2L Engine Replacement (Part 5)
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In Part 5 of the series we finish swapping things over to the new engine, install the slave cylinder and throw out bearing, and get the engine mated back up to the transmission. That was easier said then done. This was actually one of the most difficult engine installations because I was trying to mate the engine up to a manual transmission. If I were to do it again I think I would have pulled the engine and transmission as a unit and mated them up before installation. It might take a little more time to do the R&R but I think it would have made things a LOT easier. I suppose all’s well that ends well but I would recommend you pull the transmission with the engine if you have a manual transmission. It might make your life a lot easier. Here’s some useful links for you.
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Other videos staring this truck.
Link to Part 1 in case you missed it:
Tapered Roller Bearing Video:
Lubricating a Chassis:
Serpentine Belt Replacement:
Discussion about this video: http://www.ericthecarguy.com/../46056-2001-gmc-sonoma-2-2l-engine-replacement-series#65904