I imagine you like car shows on TV. I also imagine that you might be sad that many of those shows have been canceled, or are no longer in production. I’m also sad about this and I have a theory about why it might be happening.
What is your favorite automotive show on TV?
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ASE Certifications for EV: https://www.ase.com/press-releases/ase-ev-standards-ev-testing
Links to shows
Top Gear: https://www.topgear.com
Grand Tour: https://www.amazon.com/The-Grand-Tour-Season-1/dp/B086VXCTGW
Bitchin Rides: https://www.kindigit.com/show/
Roadkill: https://store.motortrend.com/collections/roadkill
Roadkill Garage: https://store.motortrend.com/collections/roadkill-garage
Engine Masters: https://store.motortrend.com/collections/engine-masters
Related Videos
Why Mechanics Drive Junk Cars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An9FhvFb5M0&t=2s
Find the Money and Avoid the Death and Fire with EV: https://youtu.be/DmqGDs7PSBw
Where Do Stolen Catalytic Converters Go?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpuAv0sTh-w&t=6s
We Overcomplicate the Things We Don’t Understand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZVd_nZfogM&t=8s
Don’t Be Afraid To Learn New Things: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSOXXXn5P_o&t=1s
**Answers to your automotive questions found here: http://www.ericthecarguy.com/faq
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Stay Dirty
Top gear, Grand Tour, Roadkill, Roadkill garage, engine masters, bitchin rides, car TV, automotive TV, canceled tv, canceled TV shows, canceled automotive shows, no more Top Gear, no more Grand Tour, no more Roadkill, no more Roadkill garage, no more bitchin rides, no more engine masters, ETCG1, ETCG1 video, #ETCG1Video, ETCG moving update, automotive education,EricTheCarGuy, Eric the car guy, ETCG, ETCG1, #etcg1, #ETCG1Video