It’s Time To Get Serious About the Auto Repair Industry -ETCG1
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Yes, this is a sponsored video by UTI, but I would make this video sponsored or not.
I get a lot of feedback about the auto repair industry, not all of it good. Some say it’s dead, you can’t make a decent living, and that there are less and less people coming into the field of auto repair.
I’m wondering if that may be wrong. Based on what I’ve seen recently, it seems there may be a lot of opportunity in the auto repair field that hasn’t been previously explored. It might be worth a second look.
Thanks for watching!
Important links.
- Check out what UTI has to offer:
- Check out the UTI YouTube Channel:
- HumbleMechanic:
- Bogie’s Garage:
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Video Title: It’s Time To Get Serious About the Auto Repair Industry -ETCG1 Video Description: I get a lot of feedback about the auto repair industry, not all of it good. Some say it’s dead, you can’t make a decent living, and that there are less and less people coming into the field of auto repair.Thumbnail: