Honda Idle Issues, Hunting Idle
Lastly, don’t adjust the idle screw! This often gets done first thing and can actually mask the fix when you finally do fix the idle problem. If it looks like someone has messed with the idle adjustment screw perform the idle relearn procedure. Depending on the model you normally unplug the IAC after the engine is fully warmed up and adjust the idle screw until you reach base idle which is normally in the 700-750rpm range. This will often set a CEL so
you’ll need to reset that after you’re done. Also don’t plug the IAC back in till you shut the engine down to help protect the PCM. Consult the service manual for the vehicle you’re working on for specifics on resetting base idle.
Notice I haven’t said anything about the MAP sensor (Manifold Absolute Pressure sensor). This is not a common problem on Honda’s and once again, it’s external damage or aftermarket parts that I normally find fault with. An erratic idle CAN set a MAP sensor code, which is why I mention it. The reason for this is because the MAP is in essence a vacuum gauge so if it’s gets strange readings from a fluctuating idle it can set a MAP sensor code. It does not mean that your MAP sensor is bad however. This is not that common but I feel it’s worth mentioning because I have a lot of people say the replaced or worse yet, CLEANED the MAP sensor to correct an idle problem. Don’t clean a MAP sensor, you’ll likely ruin it if you do. If you have a CEL with a MAP sensor code and a fluctuating idle, address the idle issue first, reset the code, and see if the MAP sensor code comes back. My bet is that it won’t come back after you get the idle problem solved.
Lastly (I promise), don’t rule out a mechanical issue. If you get an idle issue after you replace the timing belt and water pump or some other cooling system service, first check for air in the cooling system, if you don’t find any, check the mechanical timing. If you’re off a tooth with your belt it is possible that will cause an idle problem. In addition, if the engine has bad valves or a compression problem this can also cause an idle issue. I would check all of the above suggestions first, but don’t rule out a mechanical problem when diagnosing a hunting idle on your Honda. If the engine isn’t working properly then it can cause all kinds of other problems, not to mention idle problems.
I hope this information was useful to you. If you didn’t find what you were looking for, type in a few key words into the search at the bottom of the page. You can even type in specific check engine light codes. In addition to the code meaning you may find articles and forum posts that pertain to that code. If nothing comes up for your issue, sign up for our forum and ask your question there. We’ll be happy to help if we can. It’s free, all you need is a valid email address. Just be sure to respond to the conformation email to complete your registration. If you don’t see the conformation email, check your spam or bulk folder, it might have gotten stuck there.
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2 thoughts on “Honda Idle Issues, Hunting Idle”
L. Wong
July 2, 2020 at 8:23 pm
One week ago, put in $2300 in repairs on 2003 Honda CR-V 4cyl standard transmission with a bit less than 79,000 miles on odometer. Repairs included replacing all engine hoses plus replacement of water pump, thermostat, alternator belt, clamps. There was no hunting idle problem when I brought the car in. One week and several driving episodes later, warm engine in neutral at red light exhibited hunting idle problem, rpms oscillating between 1200 and 2200, and CEL. Dealer now diagnoses need to replace IAC valve, P&L $825 and change. How likely is it that the IAC valve on my 17-year-old CR-V suddenly failed after major work to the cooling system? Am I being scammed? My typical driving habits are several excursions a week within a 10-mile radius.
February 24, 2022 at 11:56 am
Yes, You’re being scammed. $825 to replace an IACV?! I need to start charging more! lol
Nah, seriously, sounds like they either didn’t bleed the air out the system, or messed up a vacuum hose. Or, they’re like the only Honda dealership on My island and rip people off left and right and steal items from customers vehicles!😬
Hope it ended well for You!