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Have you taken a look at Aircats by any chance? They are pretty awesome guns for a good price.
My 03 Cobra calls for 6 Qt’s. I always run 7 Qt’s. The slow drainback from the heads along with my larger capacity oil filter allows me to get away with it. But I would not make habbit to do it on other cars. Along with that, When hard cornering or racing
Honestly? Go for Kobalt hand tools and get your self a Harbor freight US General toolbox. Honestly I think the quality is much better then craftsman. Can’t say for Snapon or Matco but for the price? Seriously you do NOT want to be in that much debt and the warranty with Kobalt is quite good.
Get your self a set of the 227 Piece Kobalt hand tool set. Along with the 49 piece Kobalt Xtreme Access tools. Set of Ratcheting wrench’s and whatever else you think you may need. Honestly? They are fantastic quality for the price. Honestly if you think something is going to break? Buy two sets of it. Its still going to be 10 times cheaper LITTERLY then Snap on.
Its what I would do if I went professionally into the field. I work on my car every weekend and have yet to have something break on me. Just my input, Go to Lowes and mess around with there tools you’ll be suprised.
Edit: I just noticed if you don’t like the grip handle on the Xtreme access set, Try getting the Thru ratchet set, Looks nice I may get me a set.
So I got back from the dealer, The Clutch is shot, So i’m going to order myself a new Clutch+ Compressor. I’m getting a good deal on it. 270 for the part. So all is well, Thanks for the input guys I appreciate it!
+1 On dreamers post. It will hold more information then we could ever write out for you. But honestly, Stay away from oils that you buy in convient stores. Stay away from Fram as well. My advice is Go to Wal-Mart and get a 5Qt jug of a decent oil and use
I have no clue what you just said, No offence.
Honestly, It depends on your car and your driving habbits. 3000 is far too soon. But 7500 would be just fine. How are your driving habbits for the most part?
Dreamer, I’ll talk to my tuner. See what he has to say for the most part. I may get the A/F Checked just to be sure.
Eric, I messaged that guy on youtube. Just to see what his thoughts are. No reply yet. I’m sure hes pretty busy. But hopefully he can give me his .02 cents on the subject to either give me peace of mind or what direction I should go in.
But yeah, Car burns no oil at all. Currently using 5w30 Amsoil, With a fully Synthetic Oil Filter.
Yeah, I see what you’re all saying. I did make a post on SVTPerformance and honesty only got 2 posts and they both were far from helpful so. I might post up in the Engine modifications section just to see what the say. I’m probably running too cold of a plug, that does not burn off all of the fuel so that explains my excess of carbon build up on the pistons. Hmm…Shame, I just put the plugs in too. I’m thinking of widening the gap to about .35 so it burns a little hotter and then pulling them in 1000 miles and seeing how they look.
But honestly, I plan on changing my plugs every two oil changes or 6000 miles. Plugs are cheap honestly and forced induction is pretty harsh on plugs. But the main reason I wanted to kind of stick with a colder plug is for anti-detination property’s. But anyways, Thanks for ALL of your input. Its helped alot. If you got any other ideas or anything. Feel free to post them.
Thanks guys!
I’m running 93 Octane with the timing of about 22 degree’s. One possibility is that the thermostat could be getting stuck open. Allowing the engine to over cool its self. Thus allowing the ECM To overcompensate and push to much fuel. But I guess thats just a shot in the dark because I Would have no idea how to even diagnose a sticking T-stat. I might need to go to a tuner soon however. To check if my A/F Is spot on just to be sure.
But for the most part. I think what I might do is either leave the plugs in the way they are. Or Pull them and open up the gap a little. Maybe .32 to .35? You think that would be a little to much? Its just I’d rather run rich then too lean and then that opens the chance of detention issues. I guess it kind of falls into the area of. “If its not broke, Don’t fix it” But yeah, I’m going to have to give her the good old Italian tune up with my right foot later tonight just to kill off some carbon.
No idea on how many miles on them. But since I’ve owned the car I’ve put over 1300 miles on them. From the condition of the rest of the plugs. I’d probably have to say they have over 10k miles on them or so. The car current has 62k miles on it. Runs like a top and strong as a Ox.
But yeah, The car is custom tuned. Quite a few aftermarket modifications done to the car. The only thing I have no gotten a new tune for is the missing EGR system that I took off. So that may explain the slight rich condition. Could there be any ill effects to running a little rich? I mean because I’d rather a little rich then lean to be honest.
Because I don’t want to hurt the Motor. But yeah, if you want to see the full modification list. Its in my profile. Oh by the way, Could the rich condition cause carbon build up on the top of the pistons? I noticed that when I was changing out my plugs. Looked down the plug holes and saw quite a bit of build up.
Thanks though guys, Any more input will be helpful!
Edit: Could they be fouling just a little because of the fact that the gap is too small? .32? Maybe I should bump it to .35 or so. These plugs are 2 ranges colder then stock plugs. But that is also because I’m running 500 Rwhp. Any input?
It calls for a 180 degree one as well. But this one is modified similar to the one I’m about to post. But yeah, The car runs VERY Cool. It has several upgraded cooling modifications for it. The main reason the Cobra has so many cooling modifications is because these things generate alot of heat. But, I might be running too cold of a plug and too small of a gap and it may be fouling out. You think that may be the problem?
Anyways, Take a look at this. It explains the thermostat question for the most part. tried Seafoam in my Cobra in the Tank. I was pretty happy with it honestly. I have yet to use anything else. I’m trying to find something to help with carbon build up on the top of pistons. I heard Seafoam will do the trick but only time will tell.
I’ve also heard of using Seafoam in the crank case with very good results. I just don’t want to use it on my Cobra however. Maybe on the DD.
I like Seafoam, It mostly has noticeably helped in cold starting. I’m not sure why, But takes less cranks to turn over. Ever since I took out my EGR It would crank slower in colder weather. Anyways, How does your oil look after you change it out after adding the Seaffoam? Does it look darker/blacker? I’ve heard that it cleans up the engine pretty well.
I’ve been hammering on my Kobalt tools since I’ve got them on the Black Friday sale. Not a single thing has broken yet. But only time will tell. Honestly I’m extremely happy with the way they are. The sad part is I can buy 10 sets of Kobalt for 1 full set of Snap on. I just do not find it worth it. Not even close.
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