
Salvador Alasco

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  • in reply to: Bad master cylinder or not #557580
    Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

      What we have done:
      1) Twice bled the master cylinder.
      2) Gravity bleed———->-trickles of fluid to almost nothing
      3) Cracked the line at the calipers———>same as (1) above
      4) Bled the wheels using a one-man bleeder pump.
      5) Bled the wheels using two-man method.
      6) Swapped calipers at the back just to be sure it is not the calipers at fault.

      We have not tried removing the bleed screw. But even if we did, is it possible that all 4 ports are blocked, if at all ?

      Prior to bench bleeding the MC for a second time, I filled the brake fluid reservoir full, pushed on the piston, and fluid squirted from both ports of the MC.

      How could air possibly get into the ABS manifold ? Would I have inadvertently introduced air when I disconnected (and reconnected later on) the two MC fittings from the two cylinder ports ?

      How do you bleed from the ABS manifold ?

      in reply to: Bad master cylinder or not #563221
      Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

        What we have done:
        1) Twice bled the master cylinder.
        2) Gravity bleed———->-trickles of fluid to almost nothing
        3) Cracked the line at the calipers———>same as (1) above
        4) Bled the wheels using a one-man bleeder pump.
        5) Bled the wheels using two-man method.
        6) Swapped calipers at the back just to be sure it is not the calipers at fault.

        We have not tried removing the bleed screw. But even if we did, is it possible that all 4 ports are blocked, if at all ?

        Prior to bench bleeding the MC for a second time, I filled the brake fluid reservoir full, pushed on the piston, and fluid squirted from both ports of the MC.

        How could air possibly get into the ABS manifold ? Would I have inadvertently introduced air when I disconnected (and reconnected later on) the two MC fittings from the two cylinder ports ?

        How do you bleed from the ABS manifold ?

        in reply to: Bad master cylinder or not #557534
        Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

          It’s a new one.

          in reply to: Bad master cylinder or not #563171
          Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

            It’s a new one.

            in reply to: Bad master cylinder or not #557494
            Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

              I made absolutely sure that there were no bubbles in the two tubes after bench-bleeding the MC and that the piston was very firm. My helper and I pumped the brake pedal ten times per repetition for each wheel but the moment I release the bleeder valve screw, there were just insignificant trickles of fluid coming out of the orifice. The car is a 2006, 3.9L, V6 chevy monte carlo with all wheel ABS.

              in reply to: Bad master cylinder or not #563128
              Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

                I made absolutely sure that there were no bubbles in the two tubes after bench-bleeding the MC and that the piston was very firm. My helper and I pumped the brake pedal ten times per repetition for each wheel but the moment I release the bleeder valve screw, there were just insignificant trickles of fluid coming out of the orifice. The car is a 2006, 3.9L, V6 chevy monte carlo with all wheel ABS.

              Viewing 6 replies - 16 through 21 (of 21 total)