ialmanza4 – on that diagram there is a “a/c compressor thermal protector switch” lower right corner of the diagram. Any idea what that does or what it’s “on/off parameters” are? As I see more info from you guys I am leaning more toward the pressure switch since I get over 400 on high side and below 20 on low side at 3k rpms with no cycling. The thermostat on the schematic at BBBind says “off at 37 degrees” and I’m getting 50 degree air out the vent so I don’t know if it is getting cold enough to trip that thermo. I don’t think it’s ever gotten that cold since I’ve had the car. Have to check and see if clutch re-engages after shutting A/C switch off – but I am pretty sure it doesn’t. When it comes to voltmeters and checking stuff like that I am a lost puppy. I have one but very little clue how to use it. I can do most anything mechanically on a car but that is one place I am lost…
Regarding the pressure switch – changing that means all the freon has to come out or not? I know where it is just don’t know if it is going to release the whole charge if I change it?