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  • in reply to: Will CVT last long? #663304
    Chris EnglandChris England

      I think it is also worth bearing in mind that it is not in the interest of any car manufacturer to produce any car that will last too long, I believe decisions like this are made with full knowledge and on purpose with the intent that they will ideally around 100k miles be beyond economical repair, car manufacturers have to sell cars the quicker the ones they sell die within a reasonable mileage the better for them.

      I honestly believe that nowadays components are purposely designed and built to fail around a certain time frame, I think the idea of getting any new(ish) car to 200k miles+ is optimistic to say the least……….

      in reply to: Buying New vs From a wrecker #663300
      Chris EnglandChris England

        I have often bought parts from scrap yards (that is what we call them in the UK), most over here offer a guarantee as well so if you get the item home and it is DOA they will exchange it for free, I would not buy brake discs or pads from a scrap yard though, just not worth it they are the most important part of the car and need to be right besides which they are usually relatively inexpensive anyway. I think there are parts that you can cut costs on with second hand ones and then there are other parts where for safety and peace of mind new is the only way to go.

        A brake calliper is a very simple thing, Eric has a dissection video you should watch, it will ether be the internal piston or seal that is knackered, they will be cheaper to buy the parts and very easy to fit, as long as the piston is not pitted you will get away with a seal kit which you should be able to pick up for a few dollars.

        Check the video out!

        in reply to: Jeremy Clarkson And Gang New Motoring Show #663223
        Chris EnglandChris England

          Think you miss understood my post or more probably I did not get the point across to well, this is not the BBC’s version this is obviously a brand new show that the 3 of them have started to record for another station or provider, it was Clarkson who shared the above photo yesterday hinting that filming for the new show has commenced.

          BBC as usual more interested in extorting money out of people have made no comment or announcement of any plans for new presenters on Top Gear, although I still have my money on Chris Evans.

          I have changed the thread title to more accurately convey what I meant ๐Ÿ˜‰

          in reply to: not sure where to start………… #662853
          Chris EnglandChris England

            Or maybe drop the oil pan and see if there is any shrapnel in there?

            in reply to: not sure where to start………… #662852
            Chris EnglandChris England

              I am really no expert and am sure someone will be along soon with some “proper” advice but in the meantime if the sound was from the top of the engine then I suppose the first logical step would be to get the valve cover off and see what you can see ๐Ÿ™‚

              in reply to: not sure where to start………… #662849
              Chris EnglandChris England

                I am sure someone will be along soon to offer some expert advice to you, I am not an expert so take my opinion with a pinch of salt. It does not sound good does it? What you describe, to me, sounds like a catastrophic failure on an internal engine part, if you do not know where to start then I would suggest you might be better having a suitably qualified person take a look. What you have described certainly does not sound like something you can cure with a new bolt on part, my hunch is you are into either a complete engine re-build or a new engine install ๐Ÿ™

                As said I am by no means an expert so check back and see who else replies ๐Ÿ˜‰

                in reply to: uhhhhhh Another Crazy Couple Of Days In The UK! #662846
                Chris EnglandChris England

                  She sure was controversial to say the least, a lot of people think she caused a lot of problems and destroyed a few of our key industries from which we still have not fully recovered, your dads opinion might have be a bit different if he had been unlucky enough to liver where she was destroying, Cameron is the male version of her, we are in a worst financial state now as a country than we were 5 years ago when he came to power, they are very good at “massaging” the books though and making things look a lot better than in reality they are, one you start digging past all the bullshit they are all a bunch of lying scum bags that are out to enrich their own lives first no matter which party they belong to!

                  Anyway off topic, UK news sites are no full of news about some royal baby girl that has been unlucky enough to be born into a bunch of inbreeds! mmmmm no offence to inbreeds :unsure:

                  in reply to: A Brits View on Top Gear #662815
                  Chris EnglandChris England

                    nahhh no way, Guy Martin would not be a good choice at all, he is a great super bike rider, great diy engineer and inventor but there is no way he could take over from JC on Top Gear, he does not have the vocabulary and personality, it would become something of an annoyance to watch him every week with his ridiculous accent and side burns!

                    From a “know how to run a tv show and convey with people” point of view Chris Evans would be a great choice and he is also a petrol head to boot, not sure who would replace James and Richard though, James has now publicly said he is out if JC is, bit silly really but then I still think the 3 of them will be snatched up by another less “politically correct” network anyway, if this happen Top Gear may wll be over for good.

                    in reply to: Scotty Kilmer, mechanic or shill? #662814
                    Chris EnglandChris England

                      I do not feel right saying Eric and Kilmers name in the same sentence! I only watched a couple of Kilmers videos and immediately dismissed him as a crazy hick not worth my time and that squeaky voice, huhh no thanks, not for me. Eric is in a different league completely, professional v hick!

                      in reply to: Why EricTheCarGuy doesn’t have a lift #662812
                      Chris EnglandChris England

                        yayyyy you now have a lift :cheer: I am sure your life will now be a whole lot easier, I love the sentiment in your reasons for not having one earlier but for what you do and they way you shoot your videos I just know this is going to not only be a time saver but also a back saver, none of us are getting any younger you know ๐Ÿ˜‰

                        We are looking at moving house over the next year or so and already one of my pre-requisites when we are viewing is an outside workshop that is big enough for a lift and then ion a heart beat I will get one, I do not do than much repair at the moment but have a plan for the future and for me a lift will be an essential tool, could I do what I have planned without one? Yes absolutely. Do I want to? Hell No!

                        in reply to: What Happened to Top Gear UK? #659313
                        Chris EnglandChris England

                          [quote=”Shipfittin” post=132081]Wheeler Dealers is a fantastic show, one of my absolute favorites.

                          I am sure there are some people chomping at the bit to get Jeremy Clark for their network.[/quote]

                          Maybe. He has proven himself to be a bit of a hot potato though, it would not surprise me either way if he did get signed somewhere else or if he did not.

                          in reply to: What Happened to Top Gear UK? #659257
                          Chris EnglandChris England

                            It is indeed a very sad day ๐Ÿ™

                            However us Brits are a bit “stiff upper lip” so to speak when it comes to attacking ones work colleagues and considering this all happened with employees of the BBC of all people it was kind of inevitable really what the outcome was going to be. I am a “Jezza” fan and have watched Top Gear for the best part of 20 years all in all but there is now way I can condone is behaviour this time, not only did he step over the line he raced over it at 300mph!

                            Can Top Gear survive without Clarkson? I should think so even if May and Hammond jump ship as well for me the jolly boys outings all around the world in some of the worlds greatest cars have become a little boring over the last 2 years, it was great to watch at first but when it is every other show year after year it starts to get a bit boring or it did for me anyhow, I am more interested in cars than seeing some bafoon upset as many people as he possibly can in the shortest amount of time as possible! It is overdue a serious refresh so in the long run this could well be a good thing, time will tell.

                            We have another 2 shows here from the UK that are worth paying attention to if you are into such things that are more focused on car the first and my all time favourite:

                            Wheeler Dealers hosted by a typical Brit second hand car salesman called Mike Brewer and an absolute genius of an engineer / inventor / mechanic called Ed China details here:


                            Mike buys the bangers Ed repairs them in ECTG style on steroids and then Mike sells them on to hopefully make a profit catch it if you can it is a fantastic show.

                            The other is Fifth Gear a Top Gear style show but concentrates more actually on cars and more normal everyday cars as well, they do have their fair share of super / hyper but you will also see the latest family range stuff as well, hosted by Tiff Needell who used to host Top Gear a long time ago and is also an ex superstar race car driver, Jason Plato another racing car driver, Jonny Smith who is your motoring journalist type guy and then, then grrrrrrrrr Vicki Butler-Henderson who to be frank is ANY petrol heads wet dream :ohmy: Details here:


                            Vivki would be an excellent candidate to freshen up Top Gear doubt she would leave her current set up though but you never know.

                            Anyway, it is then end of an era but the start of a whole new one as well ๐Ÿ˜‰


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