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Thank you !
Yes i couldn’t let it go ,cause as you said it should boil of water etc. so i went on a search to.
Disclaiming but not condoning. :dry:
either way. i was not the technician in this discussion but here is some. you said , it should not exceed 220°F it would hurt the engine and the cooling system i guess .
anyhow. Thanks for your input .
Maybe Eric can explain why in a video why ?
but i am gonna take this info and restart that discussion 😉True but then again, what is the ideal temprature. i couldn’t think 215°F ore hotter oil is really good for the engine, it would burn the additive in it . doesn’t it ?
Thanks. we will safe that website.
To bad it’s a hard to find item for a really nice easy to work on car.
Here is the german site we will safe that website.
To bad it’s a hard to find item for a really nice easy to work on car.
Here is the german site really is a shockabsorber, you saw of the top hat part of the strut and you measure the diameter of the pipe you are left with and find an strut insert for it.
I am not really liking these cause i dont know how they would hold really, but it is a real option of nothing else is left.
I really rather have a designed for strut instead.
Maybe eric ore someone else can fill us in on this.Here is the idea.
That really is a shockabsorber, you saw of the top hat part of the strut and you measure the diameter of the pipe you are left with and find an strut insert for it.
I am not really liking these cause i dont know how they would hold really, but it is a real option of nothing else is left.
I really rather have a designed for strut instead.
Maybe eric ore someone else can fill us in on this.Here is the idea.
They Didnt have it neither. To bad though.
But we found a very small company in Germany actually.
They Didnt have it neither. To bad though.
But we found a very small company in Germany actually.
Thanks, i went trough but.
Sorry no shocks available.
Would be to bad to see this car to waist.
we’ll try something else now and see what happens.Thanks for searching with me though.
Thanks, i went trough but.
Sorry no shocks available.
Would be to bad to see this car to waist.
we’ll try something else now and see what happens.Thanks for searching with me though.
As on the tool you got there.
we can not get down there with a wrench, But we have a what we call pipe wrench.
its not like the pipe wrench you know it’s really a pipe with stamped ends.
Its hollow, so a long screw driver will fit in there.
The ends can be turned with a normal wrench.Blue point / snap-on is fairly expensive here and is only sold by dealer.
These pipe wrenches only cost like 5 euro’s each.As on the tool you got there.
we can not get down there with a wrench, But we have a what we call pipe wrench.
its not like the pipe wrench you know it’s really a pipe with stamped ends.
Its hollow, so a long screw driver will fit in there.
The ends can be turned with a normal wrench.Blue point / snap-on is fairly expensive here and is only sold by dealer.
These pipe wrenches only cost like 5 euro’s each.I was wandering if you still have that caliper and maybe able to show us and point out what caused the problem. But my gues this caliper is allready gone.
I was wandering if you still have that caliper and maybe able to show us and point out what caused the problem. But my gues this caliper is allready gone.
Ouch, That must have hurt Greg.
I had a stupid moment, were i installed a keyless entry module into a friends car.
When you come near with the remote it opens on its self, and when you leave the car it closes down and rolls up the windows and putt on the alarm system.
While installing and testing things out, i walked away from the car to see if things are working. well no horn beep no windows rolled up, and neither it locked up.
On that moment my friend came back, as i was figuring out whether i had blown a fuse ore burnt trough a cable.My friend asks me after 15 minutes ore so.
“that square box with the cables is the battery right ? ”
Well Yeah, why ?
“then if the cable is not connected it wont start right ? ”enough said, right ?