Thank you for your response, there were a few things I forgot to mention that you brought up. The voltage reading while charging is 14.2 volts, but I didn’t remember to check the voltage of the battery until it had been sitting for over a day through a cold night, which is when i got 12.3, and the weather has been much warmer since. I’ll be able to get an accurate reading of the battery at a ” full ” charge tomorrow if that’s at all helpful, but I do know it’s well above the 12.3 I saw the next day. The belt tension seems to be fine, and the belt itself was replaced at 120k miles. The car is completely stock, only the basic Chrysler radio and speakers, no extra lights etc. When it was initially checked out they supposedly checked the charging system and claimed it was fine, and checked again by the second mechanic. All of the connections seem fine, no signs of corrosion and I removed and checked the wires on the alternator just to be sure, and a diode check on the alternator showed no problem there. After having two mechanics say they can’t find any drain, tell me the charging system is fine and toss a new battery in it twice and still have the same problem I’m at a loss. If that’s what it comes down to I can have the battery and charging system rechecked, but I don’t know if there’s something they’re missing or not checking properly, and I would hate to put a third battery in it if there’s still a deeper problem killing it.