If every fuse you pull changes the draw on the battery you are either doing the test wrong, Have recently had a major meltdown in the fuse panel or have a bad ground strap. Start by making sure everything is off in the vehicle and take the bulb out of the under hood fixture and keep the keys in your pocket. Hook the tester up to the battery so the contacts stay connected and set it to show how much draw there is on the battery. Watch the screen for 30 – 45 seconds so it has time to shut down the computer etc… If you see a really high amp draw check the starter and other high load parts. If the draw is rather low begin pulling fuses slowly and watch for the load to drop. When the load drops to less than .5 amp you have found the circuit that is causing your problem. Next you have to follow the wiring for everything on that circuit to determine what is wrong. Hope this helps.