Chevyman21 wrote: theres hourly techs and then theres flat rate techs…
This maybe a little off subject, but I figured I can put my input (belly aching) in on my dealership flat rate tech experience.
I was a flat rate tech for 38 years at GM and Ford dealerships that were Union shops that had a guaranteed 40 work week, but you had to make the 40 hrs. by factory flat rate time. The last 25 years it was really hard to make 40 hrs. even for the young people. But of course you had some techs that got more brake / suspension work that made it plus more….I still think those techs were paying the service writers off the get the easier work.
If you didn’t make the 40 hrs. after three weeks; you got a reprimand letter and was guaranteed 32 hrs. pay and your flat rate was reduced to 32 hrs. When that happened you mostly got all the low paying heavy work with the service writer thinking anybody can make 32 hrs. If you got a Duramax/Power Stoke engines,3.6 Equinox /STS/Camaro engines, 4.6/5.3 F150 Engines, Fusion Transmissions…ect ect ect…it was hard to get 32 hrs.
The next step was second reprimand letter and guaranteed 24 hrs. I got to this point one time when I had a comeback on a Duramax 3500 and a STS 3.6. I was back flagged all the hrs. that I was given for the labor operations in one week and had to address the comebacks for straight time.
Just in case you want know what happens if you can’t make the 24 hrs under factory flat rate… third reprimand letter and you’re looking for a job.
As for what the Union did, they saved my job one time on a comeback which was very obvious another tech was trying to make it look like what I did caused the comeback. The second time I wasn’t so lucky, after 38 yrs. I did what someone in management said to do and later they said they didn’t say that and yes they were a trusted friend.
What did the Union do…they came to the dealership during my termination and the owner slammed the door in the Rep’s face. Later on after a grievance meeting and the dealer refused to reinstate me, the Union said they were going to arbitration. What happened, the Union tried to find me another job along with me trying to find one, being 62 yrs old, I took retirement. What happen about the arbitration… after a year it’s still pending….I wonder who’s paying who off. The Union has suggested I get an Attorney and file suite for age discrimination. My question to the Union was; what have I been paying you for all these years?
Now after some of the shock has worn off, I’m helping some people that can’t afford to get their cars worked on…. Most of which are disabled Veterans.