
VW Polo 2012 power steering pump

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  • #871372
    Ryan GoburdhoneRyan Goburdhone

      Hi there im new to all this so I’m not really sure if i’m posting to the right place, but anyway, i have a VW polo 2012 1.2 only recently just bought it and whenever i use any sort of power inside the car e.g turning the steering wheel or use the electric windows the headlights go dim as well as some of the lights inside of the car. I took the car to my garage and they said it was the power steering pump and it had broke and it was putting load on the electrics, this would have cost me £540, I then took it to another garage that my brother in law has close connections with and they said it’s nothing to worry about as it’s only oil on my alternator. So i was wondering what diagnosis actually made sense as i’m really confused

      Thank you for any responses 🙂

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    • Author
    • #871375
      Dave TidmanDave Tidman

        Does it happen only if you are turning the wheel, or does it happen with the wheel straight and just using an accessory?

        Maybe not helpful, but don’t most VWs of that vintage have electric steering? Does your dash have a warning light that looks like a steering wheel and is it on when you drive? If you have electric steering and the malfunction indicator is not on, then the alternator makes some sense. Of course, the next question is why is there oil on the alternator. Also, you are deep into the world of VW electrics, there could be a lot of other things amiss. If you know someone with VAGCOM, you might want to do a full scan of the car.

        Your car may also have EPHS (Electrically Powered Hydraulic Steering). You can get all the gory details here.

        You may want to bounce this off Humble Mechanic, he is a VW tech.

        Ryan GoburdhoneRyan Goburdhone

          It happens both those times to be honest, if I’m not using an accessory and just turning the wheel the lights will go dim, and when the wheel is straight and using an accessory the lights still go dim but not for as long.
          Nope no warning light comes on when i’m driving, one came on once and never came on again but it was only a one telling me that there was a headlight bulb not working.
          As for the electric steering i’m not too sure about that i have a feeling it does though but don’t hold me to that. The alternator on this model is right below the oil filter so they came up with the theory that when they went to change the oil filter oil had spilt onto the alternator amongst other things.
          I might run this past Humble Mechanic actually, thank you!

          Dave TidmanDave Tidman

            Did the shop(s) load test your battery? Given the symptoms you describe, it seems to be a bit more than oil on the alternator. The PS pump will only run when the steering wheel is turned. It sounds like you have a voltage drop whenever an additional load is placed on the system. You could tale a meter and measure the voltage change when the wheel is turned or an accessory is used.

            If the car has the original battery, it’s probably quickly approaching the end.

            As a 2009 VW Jetta owner, welcome to VWs, where every repair requires a special tool and vagcom. 🙂

            Ryan GoburdhoneRyan Goburdhone

              I have feeling they would have done that, when i bought the car the guy had told me that he fitted a new battery, however, when i took it to the first garage they said they battery was not right for the car it needed to be O16 battery and they had fitted a O24 if i recall but they also told me they put the right battery in and it did not make a difference. This what i was thinking but me and my brother in law had used his meter to see if voltage would drop but all the readings were coming out fine.

              Ahh this is my first car as well so i’m very pleased to hear that! (not) 🙂

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