
Vehicle on ramps/jackstands is level?

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  • #895143
    Kip SmithKip Smith

      I am performing a service to my 2015 Nissan Altima that requires me to get underneath it. I do NOT have a lift, but the service I am performing requires the vehicle to be level. So, I have the vehicle up on ramps and jack stands. Is it perfectly level? I don’t know. How can I be sure? I have tried pressing a level against the underneath side of the car to try to determine. Unfortunately, I get slightly different readings depending on which part of the belly (frame) of the car I put the level against. Frustrating! Please help.

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    • Author
    • #895144
      Billy AndrewsBilly

        Ramps and jackstands can be very dangerous. Depending on the ramps, the car can back off the ramps and tip the jackstands. I’ve seen it happen. Two pairs of jaackstands is safer.
        Regarding level, if it looks level, it’s level enough. Very easy to make it level with two identical pairs of jackstands.

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