
Vehicle Lock-Outs & The Slim Jim

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  • #525417

      One topic that in my opinion that is often overlooked in the automotive world are vehicle lock outs. This is one technique that is not taught in school, but is no doubt a valuable skill in the automotive world… especially if your shop offers tow truck services.

      Q: what are your opinions on the use of a ‘slim jim’ for use in vehicle lock outs? (for new and older vehicles) can the slim jim do more harm than good?

      Q: where/how did you learn how to deal with vehicle lock outs? (i believe some dealerships offer this as part of their in house training for example)

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    • Author
    • #530255
      Dave OlsonDave

        The slim jim will not work on most new cars because of all of the electronics, even the police do not carry them anymore


          slim jim works on some vehicles,it takes practice.
          we bought a kit like the highway patrol uses it goes down and under the glass,it works great.


            what i’ve noticed immediately when working on ‘newer’ cars is that the connecting rod that goes from the lock to the lock switch is usually hid behind a steel flange in the door making conventional slim jim access impossible. the ‘blood pressure cuff’ inflatable bag w/ wedge seems to be the way to go.

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