
transmission issue

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  • #456262

      I have a 92 subaru legacy that has a manual transmission and when you drive it it will rev up to aprox 3000 rpm in each gear and when you let up on the gas the rpm will drop down to normal rpm and run the way It’s suppose to run. Is this the symptom of a shift solenoid or a slipping tranny. Thanks in advance

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    • Author
    • #456263

        I was wondering what would cause a car to start losing power and sputter when you floor the gas pedal(push all the way to the floor). It drives fine but seems to shift hard when its down shifting (its an automatic). Is this a tranny issue and if so is there any testing I can do to diagnose the issue if it is tranny issues. Thanks in advance


          When was the last time it was ‘tuned up’?

          Hesitation under acceleration is usually ignition related unless you have a severe vacuum leak somewhere.

          I would do a power balance test to see if you can isolate the cylinder –

          Keep us posted.

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            If you don’t have a check engine light and have verified the fluid level then perhaps there is an internal transmission problem causing the issue. You might also check for an exhaust restriction by removing one of the O2 sensors and taking it for a drive, if the symptom changes or goes away you may have a restricted exhaust somewhere.

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