
Transmission Cooler

  • Creator
  • #840306
    John CoxJohn Cox

      I’m replacing the transmission in my 1999 ford explorer 4×4. The transmission failed because it had both a bad torque converter and i overheated it pulling too much weight. I’m wanting to make this trans last a lot longer. My question is, would i be better off completely bypassing the factory trans cooler built into the radiator, or just simply add an extra cooler in line with the stock one? I tend to think that the tranny may stay cooler without 190 degree coolant from the engine heating it up. Please help.

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    • Author
    • #840533
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        If you’re going to be towing, or driving it like you stole it, I’d strongly recommend the cooler. Keeping the transmission fluid temperature regulated is very important as many have pointed out. An external cooler helps do that very thing. You can take things a step further with a transmission fluid temp gauge.

        If you’re looking to make the transmission last, I’d recommend a certified used transmission. Less work on your part and they often come with warranties lasting up to 3 years. Just a thought.

        Please keep us updated.

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