[quote=”spelunkerd” post=52016]It’s a great feeling to have it all come together conceptually, and the new video does just that. The one area I still had some problem with is the dynamics of how the stator works. I found an excellent pdf file written by Toyota, explaining it in much more detail. I’ll try to append it at the bottom of this note in case anybody else wants those details.
The problem with using air fans as a conceptual tool is that the direction of flow across the stator doesn’t come from the impeller, it comes from retrograde return flow after it bounces off the turbine. Remember that the whole system is sealed, so total oil flow has to balance out.
The second critical point is that the direction of oil flow across the vanes of the stator change, depending on relative impeller and turbine speed. When the speed of the impeller is much greater than the turbine, flow is largely a vortex, with oil coming off the turbine at such an angle that it hits the concave faces of the vanes of the stator, locking it up. Those locked vanes redirect oil flow to give the input of the impeller a torque boost.
When the turbine speed rises, the dominant pattern of oil flow becomes more rotary, which changes the angle that the oil hits the stator. This time, the oil flow hits the convex back of the stator vanes, and return oil is already flowing in the right direction to optimize impeller input. If the stator were fixed in that setting, there would be a performance failure causing poor engine performance and overheating at highway speeds. So, the stator is designed to freewheel when pushed in that direction.
For a longer and much better description of what I said above, read the following pdf file.
Great post! Thanks for the info.