
To Your Health

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    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      I think we often overlook the importance of good health. We may sometimes take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves. In this video I explore a bit of that in my own behavior and how I’ve attempted to address it. What are your thoughts?

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    • #574081

        I am pretty guilty on spending a little extra money on the car that could’ve gone to food or at least a better choice of food =. Personally it was really hard to see any kind of negative changes because you see yourself everyday so you don’t notice any gains or loss, it wasn’t until I visited a bunch of friends from college who haven’t seen me in months and told me I lost so much weight and muscle and how sickly I looked. That was a real wake up call that no one ever wants to hear haha. Glad this video came out while this whole thing happened, it’s like another sign to get back into shape and stick to it. And for those of you who might be carrying an extra few pounds, the healthier you are the longer you can drive that car of yours! and maybe, if you can drop enough pounds, it could help out your 1/4 mile time! 😉

        rob jeffersonrob jefferson

          cool, interesting video….and i don’t think you are being preachy, our culture HAS streamlined in a way that does make it hard to be healthy because everything that is bad for you is easy and cheap and seemingly every 30 feet!
          you have to be willing to go outside your routine and get creative and yes, sometimes spend a little money. although beans are cheap! just make sure it says- ingredients: BEANS!

          reminds me, i heard someone once say of organic foods “you will spend a little money now or a lot later….(on hospital bills)”. the good news is organic prices are coming down as they become more competitive. and it doesn’t have to be whole food$… kroger and aldi have been expanding items that are pretty good for you, just read labels. the fewer words the better.

          glad you are feeling better. i went vegetarian 9 years ago and other than the occasional smell of bacon, don’t miss it. you get USED TO IT and my cholesterol hasn’t gone above 150 since then. but i’m not perfect. i will stuff a krispy creme in my face…..and if i’m on the road, BK has a veggie burger…chipotle will give me a sock full of beans…and subway has veggie patties now that are pretty good. balance is needed.

          best thing any of us can do is lead by example, or follow who is. the proof is in the (vegan) pudding…..if it works for you, your peers should take notice, but some will never change and if they are content with that, so be it.
          i will admit, it does help to have a wife who can cook tofu….but i’m learning.


            All true.

            Eat too much and you “run rich” and “carbon up” the arteries.

            Modern food ain’t really food, It’s factory product designed to addict. The food companies are as skilled as the tobacco companies. The average American eats 40 kg of sugar a year!!! Have you seen 40 kg of sugar? It’s bag after bag after bag.

            Do yourself a favor and go eat an apple. They are cheap and enormously delicious. An apple a day…….

            Dima ADima

              Hey Eric, thanks a lot for this video! Can you share your basic gym routine? I am VERY in need of exercise but I just don’t know what to do for a whole hour!

              EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                [quote=”Haloruler64″ post=88040]Hey Eric, thanks a lot for this video! Can you share your basic gym routine? I am VERY in need of exercise but I just don’t know what to do for a whole hour![/quote]

                Start slow and work your way up a little bit each time. You don’t have to start with an hour. A brisk 30min walk every day can do wonders. You don’t have to go crazy, it just depends on what you want to accomplish with your body. For me, I wanted to loose weight and eventually I also wanted to build muscle. When I first started, I could barely do 20min on the elliptical without feeling like I was going to have a heart attack. Now 9 months later the workout goes like this.

                15min (200 calories) on the elliptical. I do this to warm up and get into the groove. Sometimes I do the rowing machine for the same amount of time instead.

                20min of weight machines. I use these so I don’t need a spotter, but if you’re serious about lifting, you’ll need to move on to free weights at some point. More weight, less reps gives you bulk. More reps, less weight, gives you tone. Leave feeling just a little sore. This is good. It means that you’ve slightly damaged your muscle. Your body will repair itself while you sleep and your muscles will begin to develop as a result of this damage/repair process. I don’t recommend weights every day. Try doing cardio one day and then weights the next. Also, take at least 1 day off a week to let your body rest. Too much working out isn’t good for you.

                After weights I run a mile (9 laps on the 1/8 mile track) and at the end of the run I do 56 push ups. When I run I keep a steady jogging pace for the first 7 laps. For the last 2 laps I try to pick up the pace and sometimes sprint. I do the push ups directly after that sprint without a rest. After that I walk a couple of laps and cool down and catch my breath. Then I go home, eat breakfast, and start my work day.

                I only did this once but it was cool. I ran a mile, but at the end of each lap I did 26 push ups. By the time I was done I had done about 250 push ups and ran a mile. I call it the “push up mile”. THAT was a good day. Now I focus mostly on the running because I’m getting into it. But running is hard on your body. GET SOME GOOD SHOES IF YOU’RE GOING TO START RUNNING.

                Breakfast is a 2 egg cheese omelet, turkey sausage, Greek yogurt and a banana. I like to eat a big breakfast, a light lunch, and a reasonable dinner. Mostly lean proteins. I pretty much avoid any red meat but I do enjoy the occasional cheese burger. Like once a month occasional if that. I like to have one day a week where I can ‘cheat’ on my diet and just enjoy what I eat without being paranoid about it. Thing is, after you diet and exorcize for a while, you really don’t enjoy those foods as much because your body reacts differently to them. I really have to think before I grab a slice of pizza these days because I know that about an hour or so after I eat it, I’ll start feeling crappy.

                One VERY important note here. Diet is everything if you want to loose weight. Eat food that doesn’t have a label (fruits, veg, and lean proteins), especially avoid processed food. I lost more weight when I gave up most gluten products and gave up most sugars. Sugar is NOT your friend. Hideous bitch goddess is a more apt description. Cutting it out of your diet is like trying to kick heroin or quit smoking. Seriously, you go through withdrawal. It’s tough, but it will yield the best results for weight loss and overall health.

                Lastly, don’t go crazy. You have to have the ‘bad’ stuff once in a while to stay sane. I’d say if you make the right choices 80% of the time AND CONTROL YOUR PORTIONS, you’re doing pretty good. Also, if you have a ‘buddy’, or keep a journal of what you’re doing and eating, you’ll have a much better chance of being successful and staying successful. Accountability is key. Also, change your music often! If you get board with your music, you get board with your workout. Change things up and don’t do the same thing every time. Have fun, it’s not just maintenance, enjoy the work that you’ve done to give yourself a better body.

                Dima ADima

                  Wow, Eric, thank you so much for posting this! I greatly appreciate you taking the time to write this out. I’ll get started almost immediately! I’ve already cut a lot of bad stuff out of my diet, withdrawal is right. I just need to get some exercise going and get fit. Again, thank you!!


                    Guilty, I have to say this one hit home. I have had allot of medical issues and for some reason I mentally just ignore the warnings and work. You have opened my eyes and made me think of things a different way. I plan to start working on my health as much as I work on cars. I have 2 daughters and a loving wife that I need to start thinking about. I got addicted to your videos a few months ago and I have to say its not often you find someone with your gift of making the audience feel like your best friend. Thank you Eric.

                    Ok now I need to punch something and get my man juices going again JK. banana:

                    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                      [quote=”OneDTwenty” post=88109]Guilty, I have to say this one hit home. I have had allot of medical issues and for some reason I mentally just ignore the warnings and work. You have opened my eyes and made me think of things a different way. I plan to start working on my health as much as I work on cars. I have 2 daughters and a loving wife that I need to start thinking about. I got addicted to your videos a few months ago and I have to say its not often you find someone with your gift of making the audience feel like your best friend. Thank you Eric.

                      Ok now I need to punch something and get my man juices going again JK. banana:[/quote]

                      Punching stuff is great exercise. 🙂 Thinking of your family is great motivation, I do it myself. Good luck and thanks for your comment.


                        I agree on all your points but you forgot one topic of discussion. In what we put into our bodies you need to consider your work environment also. let’s face it, an automotive shop is probably not one of the healthiest places to work. You are dealing with some pretty toxic materials as well as dust from many sources. After being out of the auto industry for five months and seeing how a “real company” deals with health conditions in the work place I am just appalled at what I have been exposed to for the last twenty years. I was shocked when I blew my nose found out my buggers were not supposed to be black :unsure: .


                          I am guilty here too. I spent about thousand bucks to do oil changes and a bunch of repairs since the beginning of this year. An yet I’m still putting behind the dental care. Thank you Eric for reminding me the warning I got from my dentist last October. Maybe it’s time to take care of this stuff. Dental care may be one of those things that pops up from nowhere and always out of the insurance coverage.

                          ….And I also need 4 tires for my vehicle in Spring. :S

                          Jeff KetchemJeff Ketchem

                            Really enjoyed this video. To be honest some of the stuff you do that’s not car or work related make me take notice. Always liked your videos but you did one once on xbox 360 repair and that made me subscribe. I thought this is a guy who gets it. Life is about more than work! Now if I can quit smoking I’ll reward myself with a xbox one lol

                            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                              [quote=”DFRanger” post=88488]Really enjoyed this video. To be honest some of the stuff you do that’s not car or work related make me take notice. Always liked your videos but you did one once on xbox 360 repair and that made me subscribe. I thought this is a guy who gets it. Life is about more than work! Now if I can quit smoking I’ll reward myself with a xbox one lol[/quote]

                              I quit smoking almost 9 years ago and picked up video editing instead. It really worked out for me. I hope the same is true for you. Good luck.

                              Krist harissionKrist harission

                                As fitness professionals, our personal trainers help clients by motivating them to make exercise a fun part of their lives. Whether it’s improving your overall health and wellness, or seeking fitness through strength training, helping you get out of bed without pain, running faster, jumping higher, or learning about your weight management options to reach your fitness goals, we’re eager to start you on a journey that will change your life forever.


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                                  One thing that I don’t remember seeing mentioned is about not getting in bad health to begin with. That may seem obvious but for those of us born in the 1970’s, we are now seeing some of our own peers who are aging faster and not as nicely. I remember when I was a teenager or early 20’s how some people HAD to drink their weekends away, experiment (a lot) with drugs, and just live a wild life. Well now that we are 40’ish, some are seriously overweight or maybe have a lot more lines on their faces etc. I once had a room mate in the army and I asked, “Are you planning on drinking after work?” He said, “Of course, it is Tuesday night!” :blink: Yeah I decided to stay the night at a friend’s place.

                                  The problem there is if someone lives a hard life too long, it has irreversible damage even though they “get it together” later. Here is what I learned last year about that –

                                  My mom died in Summer 2013 at 71. Her dad made it to 89 and her mom made it to 82. My mom spent probably a couple decades of her life into a lot of drugs and drinking. She looked BAD at one point. She got clean about 20 years ago but the damage was done. Doctors called it COPD (like they always do when an older person is sick).
                                  I do not know as I am not the Almighty but I would guess if she hadn’t got int that mess in her youth, she might still have another 10 to 15 quality years left.

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