
Timing chain on a 4.3L…What tools???

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Timing chain on a 4.3L…What tools???

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  • #836948

      So I’m about 95% sure my timing chain has a lot of slack in it and is banging/rubbing up against my block making noise. Especially when it gets some RPM to it (I’ve ruled out most other possibilities but will take suggestions)

      I already know what PARTS I need to do the job and have a good general idea of how to go about it. Remove radiator Shroud…belt/most pulleys including water pump and then timing cover and then gears and whatnot (Im replacing all those gaskets, the water pump, timing chain and gears…truck has over 326K on it)

      It has come to my attention that I’ll need a jaw puller to remove AND install the crankshaft gear? Ive been TOLD that I need a 2/3 2 ton jaw puller. Is that the correct tool to pull my crank gear out? I do NOT want to mess anything up.

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    • Author
    • #837039
      college mancollege man

        Before you go tearing apart the engine I would take off a valve cover and look for signature marks from timing chain rubbing :). Just to possibly save you some time.


          I need to replace valve seals anyway lol what exactly do I need to look out for? I was gonna replace the timing chain on the front of the engine?? (has 326k on it figure it be a good idea lol)


          If you’re set on replacing it regardless of need or not (at that mileage I absolutely agree it should be done though) then just go ahead and replace. It cant hurt anything to replace it unless you’re the kind of mechanic that hurts things by trying to replace them 🙂

          Have fun


            Awesome haha I’m glad I have a decent idea with this thing. I’m trying to NOT be that type of mechanic haha I’m semi proficient but have a LOT to learn. Thats why I consult with those who’ve forgotten more than I’ll ever know haha Thank you for your advice, I’ll let ya know how it goes. Should be doing it within the next 2 weeks or so.


              (ignore this)


                If this the GM 4.3L V6, it’s OHV. Pulling a valve cover won’t do jack sh*t if you’re looking for a chain issue. only way to see the chain is to pull the timing cover.

                That being said, IIRC eric did a video on checking timing chain slack with his fairmont. I’d do that test.

                Edit- here it is:

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