barneyb is right – forget the thermostats from the BiG Box stores!
After doing some research on thermostats and then comparing the \”best\” grade Big Box thermostat versus the OEM one, I made a return to the Big Box. Then I spent $4 more at the dealer for an OE thermostat and new gasket.
I noticed that some of the thermostats the Big Box stores sell have \”alternative set points\” (different temperatures) than what the OE specs call for. Often I had to drill down into the specs before this was obvious. Since Eric says the FI engine is dependent on engine temperature I didn\’t want to mess with any temperature \”adjustment\” that an alternate thermostat might encumber.
Also watch Eric\’s bleeding a cooling system video and follow that. I found a cheapo radiator funnel that I modified with some tape to do pretty much the same job as the $35 one he uses. As college man points out, air can be the culprit – get those two cycles of the radiator fan before calling it quits (filled). I\’m just sayin\’
Oh and making sure the air gets out of the system – make sure the little air valve on the thermostat is at the top (12-o’clock) position! Otherwise, yeah, some air could get trapped behind the thermostat.
Oh and I did a really good flush on my cooling system using a mix that ran in the engine for 3 to 6 hours.
Might as well hit all of the maintenance bases on this before looking elsewhere.
Good luck!