
The Toll Being A Tech Takes On Your Body

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  • #518471

      I have been working on cars since i was 13 and an Automotive Tech for 45ish years. I used to live for cars and anything Automomotive. While watching the Eric The Car Guy and ETCG1 vids i think to myself about Eric on his back on a cold damp floor while working and the eventual effect it will have on him as well as other younger Techs in the trade. In a recent vid Eric stated that he is going to the Gym. Kudos to you Eric.

      I live in a Canadian climate that is cold and damp in the winter months. When i was in my late teens and years after i worked outside a lot,setting chokes 😉 etc. The shop was usually full and i was the drivability tech (and very good at it)so i had to work outside a lot. I even rebuilt an engine outside at – 10F. one time…LoL.

      In those days there were a lot of 3 and 4 speed manual transmissions around and our shop had no trans jack so we had to “hand bomb” them out and in. I am not too tall but in those days i was somewhat muscular and as strong as a Bull. I worked with cars running in the shop with little ventilation in those days, sometimes. My Dad used to say that i would pay for these things someday and i just brushed it off and asked “what do you know?”

      Seven years ago i started working in my first flat rate shop. It’s an independent repair shop with a large clientel. Been in business since 1976. I am the oldest person and tech in the building so this means that i don’t know anything about the newest cars and systems. When training comes around i am not usually invited cuz i guess i’m a poor investment.

      I’m not nearly as fast as i used to be as i have arthritis in my fingers and back and two worn out shoulders. I guess it has a lot to do with my heroism in my younger years. I have been off work for the last 2 days with my back from pulling a steel brake line through a tight area.

      I also have the stress of trying to make a living (since i`m slowly becoming a lube tech) to pay my debts before i can even think about retiring.

      The point to all of this venting is that if you are a young person trying to get into the Automotive Repair Trade your health has to be a consideration. Always be aware of safety and your own wellbeing. Even you Eric. Nobody will do it for you.


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    • Author
    • #518476
      Coty MillerCoty Miller

        I’m only 20, but I know what you mean, my own “heroism” or rather ignorance has already taken some toll on me… I’m kinda glad that v8 motors aren’t as common these days… stupid alpha male BS we have… I hope your days get better man, a lube tech is no fun, that’s what guys my age should be doing… Heck, it’s kinda what I do… only they’re labeled MACK and International.


          I have done a ton of damage to my body since i was a kid, and since my last major injuries i have decided to take things slower.
          I may work on engines that weigh 36,000LBS, and very big stuff but we have the tooling(for the most part) to get the job done with out to my body strain and i am thankful for that.

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