
The Differance Betwen Full Synthetic & Synthetic

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here The Differance Betwen Full Synthetic & Synthetic

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  • #482907

      sorry still trying to figure out if i want to go to full synthetic. im sorry i really didn’t tell everything i should of said things better. anyway lets try this again. i have a 1992 Honda prelude Si 2.3 as of right now it has 5w 30 synthetic blend in it and has for at least 6 month and now its time to change the oil in it. my car right now doesn’t not leak any oil or does not burn any oil. i would like to use mobile one oil in my car. and they don’t make a synthetic blend that i can find and i really would like to go to full synthetic to.but i don’t want it yo leak or to burn oil. and at one time i had switched to full synthetic and well i had run a motor cleaner or whatever you call it to clean the oil system up right before i put the synthetic a mistake im sure but anyway after 3 to 7 days it started not just leaking but blowing oil out of the front sill around the timing belt anyway i got that fixed and went back to reg oil but think the leak was caused by the cleaner. and i paid someone the last time to do oil change and they used the synthetic blend. with all that being said. i want to switch back full synthetic. im thinking since it handles the synthetic blend without leaking it shouldn’t have much problem with the full synthetic. it got the same cleaner and stuff i would think it would be fine. but i don’t really know much about any of the oils so any help with either the switch or about the oil that would help me, would be great sorry for making this so long but didn’t think i made myself very clear on the last one and ty all for the help the last form mike banana:

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    • #482915
      college mancollege man

        If you want to use mobil one full synthetic for better
        protection and extended oil changes.Put it in and try it.
        see if any leaks develop. if not your good.if they do switch
        back.its that simple.You don’t need to flush the motor to start
        using mobil one or any full synthetic.:)


          I know i dont have to run cleaner in it. And i know i can just put it in and see what happens but if i put it in and iT takes the rear sill out i cant afford to fix it. But ty for the imput. Just hopeing someone might know about the diff between the blend and full when it comes to the cleaners and stuff ty again mike


            anyone got any more help ty everyone for all the info


              I NEVER liked mobile one I use royal purple ITS hands down much better than mobile one


                Well your punctuation and spelling is so bad I can barely understand what you are trying to ask. Going full synthetic will not cause any leaks, however synthetic does have different flow characteristics than conventional oil so you may have oil leaking through existing gaps that conventional did not get through. To answer your actual(sub-textual) question, going full synthetic will not give you better performance or better fuel mileage.


                  I have switched back and forth between regular and synthetic in old and new cars. The only thing I find is that the synthetic handles heat better, is slicker and in new cars, last longer. In older cars with poor rings there is not so much difference since there is more contamination (blow by) that will make either type get dirty quickly.


                    Well Mr punctuation and spelling policeman. I’m sorry that my punctuation and spelling is not up to your qualification. I know the punctuation is way bad but if the spelling is that bad blame spell check. I’m sorry i didn’t know to ask questions on here you had to be able to punctuation and spelling perfect. Heck if i was that smart i wouldn’t need to asking people like you question and get told im stupid. I’m sure that what Eric had in mind when he started this site, There always someone like you that think he so much smarter than everyone else and he has to try and make everyone else feel stupid instead of just shutting his mouth. And there is no how did you Mr Harvard say it let me copy and paste it so i don’t spell it wrong wait maybe im to stupid to do that (sub-textual) question i don’t give a shit if it better performance or better fuel mileage. But on that your smarter than the people at mobile one.because the say you will get better performance. But i will make use i email and let them know that you said it don’t and you know it all so they better wake the hell up. really all i wanted to know was if i have the blend in wouldn’t it be aright to put the full in. But thisisbuod do us stupid people a favor if you can answer with out telling us where stupid just don’t answer are question in the forum we really don’t need are want some know it all telling us how to spell or even answer are question. but thanks anyway for your useless comments. buy the way thisisbuod that not spelled right and should have a capitalize t at the beginning and spaces between this is buod. Get a life and leave us stupid people be. as for everyone else thank you so much for your input, you really helped me to decided to stay with just the blend at least until i can afford to but the rear sill in. just in case it is bad and it wont hold the full in. maybe next oil change i will. thank yo u all again even the know it all thisisbuod and thisisbuod you don’t need to respond cause i will find a place where stupid people are welcome thought it was here but guess not i will close this account so i wont read what you say anyways. im sure Eric will like you costing him a member. even a free one all though i was going to start a paying one. by everyone ty again


                      Here is the truth about synthetic oil. During the refinement process the oil is filtered several times and elements are “cut” from the crude oil to obtain a base consistency that is then modified into the different types of conventional oils that have been used for years. Someone discovered that one of the “cuts” that were removed from the master batch had a better uniform consistency in its molecular structure and could be made into a superior oil because the additives could be more precisely adjusted to obtain optimum protection against wear and thermal breakdown. This molecular structure is a lot smaller than conventional oil so it tends to flow into tighter tolerance areas but can also leak past worn seals etc… Most people hear synthetic and picture some guys in doctor robes with beakers and such but the truth is not quite so glamorous.


                        Calm down man. I never said anyone was stupid. I was simply stating the condition of your post made it difficult to be completely sure exactly what you were asking.


                          no you where being punctuation and spelling policeman. everyone else seems to get it. if you didn’t understand what i was asking you should of asked me what i was saying like most people would do. instead of making a comment like that. and there nothing to calm down about not pissed. just get tired of know it all thinking they need to tell me what i already know that my punctuation and spelling sucks guess what i cant type for shit either don’t forget that. but the truth is if the person that says that stuff was as smart as they put out to be they would know what i was saying cause they would know where to put the punctuation and spelling at. anyway im done with it its over and done with.

                          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                            I don’t recommend you switch. The main reason is that I don’t think you’ll see any real benefit. In fact your engine may begin to leak and burn oil when it didn’t before. That engine was never designed for synthetic and runs just fine on conventional oil. If you want to spend the extra money go for it but the truth is that if you change your oil regularly using conventional oil you’ll be just fine. Lets face it, it’s an old Prelude, not a formula one car.


                              ty u all a did just stick with the syn blend that was already in it

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