
Subaru long crank

  • Creator
  • #851688

      2000 Subaru Outback

      Ever since I have owned it its had a long cold crank condition (~2-3 seconds before a weak start) – switching from regular fuel (91) to premium (98) makes it even harder to start? if I crank it and stop, then crank again it will fire up straight away, if i let the fuel pump prime longer or multiple times it doesn’t make any difference.

      If the car has warmed up it will start instantly/normally.

      There is no check engine light and no codes stored.

      The car does seem to be lacking in acceleration? Doesn’t feel as snappy as my older Subaru (1996 liberty/legacy)

      Things i have checked:
      Timing belt replaced and checked multiple times (even a new tensioner)
      o2 sensor (spare in – same deal, put the original genuine one back in)
      Coolant temp sensor (spare in – same deal, put original one back in)
      Ignition coil (resistance check – to spec)
      Fuel pressure (above spec, new fuel filter)
      Spark plugs (clean and correct gaps)
      Knock sensor (spare in – same deal, put the original genuine one back in)
      Valve clearance (adjusted all at 200k km)

      Battery was checked with a battery tester and passed, and jump-starting the car with another running car doesn’t change the crank time
      ECU reset does nothing
      Throttle body and IAC spotless and clean
      Injector cleaner

      Any ideas?

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    • Author
    • #876367
      Billy AndrewsBilly

        Smoke test and compression test.


          Smoke test – negative, also checked for intake vacuum leaks.

          This car has a MAP (not MAF) sensor so it shouldn’t really be effected by vacuum leaks / pirate air?

          Compression test was done before a rebuild and was within spec (at least cold anyhow), i will check again this weekend if its cool enough (was 38ºC yesterday)

          If i spray brake cleaner into the intake before i start the car it instantly starts up.

          Billy AndrewsBilly

            [quote=”apache_lives” post=183763]
            If i spray brake cleaner into the intake before i start the car it instantly starts up.[/quote]

            That just about ensures you have a fuel problem. Looks like you’ve tested fuel pressure pretty extensively. Cleaned injectors?


              Injector cleaner every 10000km, last time i used Redline SI-1. Time for replace/remove and clean?

              Could this be a MAP sensor issue?

              If i put higher octane fuel the starting problem gets worse if that helps.

              Billy AndrewsBilly

                Check injector resistance, check operation w/ stethoscope, consider running a cleaner kit through them.


                  15.x ohm on all injectors

                  I tried a different set of injectors – exactly the same

                  If i for a second start the car, wait a second then try again it *instantly* starts up?

                  Billy AndrewsBilly

                    Do you have to top off your coolant every few weeks?


                      Head gaskets replaced because of an external coolant leak (this car has never consumed coolant) – the problem was there before and after.

                      Billy AndrewsBilly

                        I’ll take that as a no.

                        Have you checked the wiring between the ECT sensor and the ECU?

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