
Stubborn axle nut removal without air tools

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Repair Central-The ‘How To’ Forum Stubborn axle nut removal without air tools

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  • #481638

      I recently had to remove an axle on the passenger side of my car. I used a 2 1/2 foot breaker bar and pulled with all my might. It only moved the tire, even with the car in gear and the e-brake on. I then chocked the wheel and tried to stand on the bar, only to have the same results. I then added a pipe to the end of the bar for more leverage, same results, it wouldn’t budge, only moved the tire. So i sat there looking at it while taking a break/ brainstorming. Then it hit me…. use the hydraulic jack for more force, and so with a couple pumps of the jack to the end of breaker bar, it cracked!! Genius!!

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    • Author
    • #481777

        I’m 5’10” 230lbs of raw man meat. I put a 4′ iron pipe on the end of a breaker bar and stand on the end and something is going to move. banana:


          Your own home made hytorc.

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