
Stripped lower ball joint stud, halp!?

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  • #590622

      Ball joint removal tool slipped and stripped the threads on the front lower ball joint. Can not thread not on each attempt only makes stripping worse. Replaced lower control arm, car is assembled minus the nut on the lower ball joint.

      Can’t drive car with no nut on the ball joint. Stuck on jack stands in my driveway. Am I royally $@!#@ and need a tow? Please help

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    • #591438
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        That sucks. With those years the ball joint usually comes with the control arm. The reason I mention this is because it’s very difficult to just change the ball joint on that type of set up.

        Going salvage was a good choice in my opinion.

        Keep us posted.


          Got the salvage knuckle today. Looks like it has a tiny bit of messed up thread on the ball joint. I’m hoping to give the benefit of the doubt it is a non issue. But I am waiting on delivery of a new castle nut tomorrow.

          Everything is bolted up and ready to go save final torque and the lower ball joint castle nut since it was damaged and part of the reason of this ordeal.

          Hope all goes well, will post an update later after final install and alignment.

          Edit: What the !$&#. Just test fit the axle nut I got and it its too big. I am so done with aftermarket parts. OEM from this day on. Can I reuse the OEM axle nut if the notch lines up with a portion that wasn’t notched before?

          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            I reuse axle nuts all the time. It’s not an issue. That said, you shouldn’t need an alignment. The only adjustable angle is toe so if you didn’t adjust the tie rod you should be fine.


              Everything is installed, test drove car. Drives great just one thing.

              I hear a faint whirring maybe humming type noise from the front left. I know that means wheel bearing :
              There is no vibrations or anything just that very faint noise.

              The salvage knuckle I got only have 60k miles on it though and it looked way better than the bearing that was in my original knuckle. I torqued everything to spec including the axle nut. My one thought is the axle nut took surprisingly little force to reach the 132 torque spec, but i dunno I have never torqued an axle nut before. Could it be too loose?

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