
steering wheel problems

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  • #454882

      I have a 1995 Ford Aerostar XLT

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    • #454883

        Yeh, putting trans fluid in the power steering system probably killed the pump, if not the rack or steering gear. Here’s what I would do if it were my truck. I would completely purge the system of all the fluid, which will be hard since there will be fluid stuck in the steering gear box or rack. You may want to pull it and let it drain. Then I would get a junkyard steering pump, refill it with the correct fluid, and hope for the best. The problem is, Fords had garbage power steering pumps forever, especially in that era. So try and get one from a reputable scrap yard with a warranty. Like I said, that’s how I would approach it. I don’t want to tell you to put a new pump on the truck.


          Correct me if im wrong but its somewhat common for some cars to use ATF for power steering fluid


            According to mitchell on demand the Aerostar calls for ATF type F fluid to be used in power steering system. Maybe he used the wrong kind of ATF and ruined the pump


              Yup, alot of Fords do use ATF fluid for there P/S systems. I would consult the owners manual but i believe it calls for Ford ATF Type F as already stated above.

              I would also be looking at the condition of the fluid as well as the power steering belt to start with.


                Thanks for answer so quick to my question.

                I forget to mention that I do check the fluid and it was a nasty foam orange, I took it out with a turkey baster and I feel up the pump with the recommended power steering fluid. I know still very contaminated but at lease it looks a little bit better. now my question is: the wheel gets hard only when I press the brakes and turn but that soon as I touch the gas pedal the wheel work perfectly again. isn’t these a prove that the pump is the one not working properly? or it could be something else instead of the pump?

                Sorry for my ignorance, but I’m just a beginner…


                  It’s not a certainty that the pump is bad, but it’s likely. When you rev the engine, it gives the pump more power (higher speed) to move fluid even if it’s worn enough that it can’t form proper pressure at idle. My bad on not knowing the ATF was proper for your car, but it also needs to be the correct fluid regardless as stated above. Is the pump whining at all?

                  college mancollege man

                    try changing the ps fluid. get yourself an old turkey baster.
                    suck the old fluid out and install the new fluid. repeat this
                    process 4-5 times. look in your owners manual for the
                    correct fluid to use.see if the problem gets better. if not
                    than a pump maybe needed. either way you need the
                    correct fluid not mixtures of fluids.If you do change the
                    fluid see if you can see a silver tint to the fluid. power
                    steering fluid is a greatly over looked fluid to be changed.

                    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                      Yep many systems use ATF and I believe Ford is one of them. If your fluid is at the proper level then I would check the belt tension, if the belt is slipping it won’t turn the pump enough to give you the assist, when you rev the engine perhaps it’s turning enough to give you the assist you need.

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