
Steering Knuckle bent. Can it be fixed?

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  • Creator
  • #879182
    Ryan MarvinRyan Marvin

      In the process of knocking a ball joint out of my steering knuckle (w/ a ball peen hammer/hammer)… I seem to have bent the bottom of the knuckle (the hole where the ball joint goes in) on my Chrysler 300 C 5.7 L. Now when attempting to install new ball joints, with a ball joint press, I’ve busted two ball joints attempting to press them back in (both of which were Moog’s). I’ve even tried freezing one for a week and putting it in. Same result (the outer ring on the ball joint where the sockets go just breaks from the weld under pressure). With that being said, is this fixable in any manner? Can I take it to a machinest to have them bore out the knuckle or is it possible for me to bore it out? Anyone have any recommendations other than toss it (These knuckles are 400-500 each)? I can’t imagine, someone hasn’t ran into this before. I took it to a mechanic and they told me to just get a knew knuckle, which I have done. Just wanted to know if I could take it and where to have it “bored” out if that’s possible.

      Thank you,

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    • Author
    • #879183
      Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

        Most times people use a sledge hammer to crack a ball join free.
        So if you used a ball peen hammer ( must be the biggest one ever created ) …
        One of two things have occurred :
        You either have the flimsiest steering knuckles ever produced on a vehicle.
        Or you are the son of ZEUS.

        More likely you have the incorrect size ball joint or are installing it incorrectly.
        If I remember correctly MOOG sells ( for some vehicles that I know of ) over sized ball joints that are used when the standard size has too much play to hold when pressed in.

        I suggest you do some detective work and fine out exactly which ball joint is used specifically for your vehicle.

        Ryan MarvinRyan Marvin

          Here’s the thing. I’ve installed the same ball joint on the Front Right side w/ no issues (because I didn’t damage the knuckle on that side). You can visibly see the knuckle is bent at the bottom around the hole where I hammered (and I can get it about 3/4 of the way in usually until finally the ring of the ball joint snaps).


            Consider yourself lucky that it snapped in the driveway–not while driving.
            No idea what year your 300 C is but there’s a seller on Ebay with one from a 2006 for under $130 shipped.
            Info he provides says it fits some from 2005-10.

            Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

              I maybe not understanding something here.
              When you hammer to release the ball joint, you hit the area where the shaft of the ball joint attaches to.
              Correct me if I have this wrong but see the attached pic.

              What I am trying to understand is why you were hammering the area depicted and not the area you should have shown above.
              But if you did do what I have shown …
              I’m not 100% sure you really want to attempt to repair it.
              I have to assume the hole is now ob-longed or egg shaped.
              So attempting to bore it out to round will enlarge the opening.
              Not to mention if there is any damage to the metal itself ( fractures, cracks)

              Ryan MarvinRyan Marvin

                The diagram is correct nightflyr (in regards w/ the hammer points). Thank you!

                I released the ball joint from the body/knuckle itself w/ a tool (similar to a pitman arm). I needed to replace the ball joint at this point inside of the steering knuckle thus I needed to press it out. When I went to press out the ball joint from the knuckle with a ball joint removal tool, it wasn’t budging so i resorted to hammering out the ball joint from the bottom of the knuckle. You’ll see other people on youtube doing this same thing with Chryslers because they had trouble removing it w/ a tool as well (for granted, I am not using a snap-on ball joint removal tool, which would likely do the trick). During that process, yes I bent the bottom of the hole of the knuckle where the ball joint goes in(mushroomed it you could say). I feel like it could be bored out, but I haven’t a clue where to take it to to find out.

                Bonnie – I didn’t drive with it as I couldn’t ever get the new ball joint back in :(.

                Nightflyr *Richard Kirshy

                  I understand the the situation you were in.
                  Hind sight is always 20/20..
                  There are methods to remove a seized ball joint….
                  Heat and a press, drilling the core and cutting the sleeve.
                  But consider that a lesson learned.

                  As to repairing the damage….
                  A good, high quality machine shop may be your only hope, though even if they were to accept the job, your still left with trying to find a ball joint to properly fit the new opening.
                  The stock ball joint will most likely be undersized after the machining
                  Not to mention what the shop would charge to do the work, if they accept it. ( some may well see it as a liability issue )

                  Sang Kimskim3544

                    I would say get a used steering knuckle from U-pull junk yard – try not to bend it this time. I never bent one, but I managed to crack one trying to press out the old ball joint. You can usually pick these up under $40.

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