
Steering clunk

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  • #503631
    Remus VintilaRemus Vintila

      This is a problem I’ve already halfway diagnosed, but didn’t have the time to attempt to fix it, so for now im just hoping I was right. A friend’s car (08 vw rabbit) has a clunking noise when turning the steering wheel from one side to the other. the position of the wheel does not seem to make a difference. Aside from a slight bump when it happens, steering seems fine, which is why i let him drive it even though im not 100% sure what the problem is. I lifted the car, checked ball joints, tie rod ends, all that, and no problems. I tried turning the wheels side to side with the car in the air, and the noise didnt happen. listening from under the car (while someone else was turning the steering wheel), it sounds like the sound is coming from above the steering rack. so im thinking its a slip joint in the steering column that is for some reason slightly loose. anybody got any other suggestions? i told my friend to keep his eyes (ears) out for any change in the noise, and let me know/stop driving it if it gets worse.

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    • #503648

        I had a bmw that had a clunk that sounds like yours , it turned out to be the upper strut bearings,lubed them up and the clunk went away.

        Remus VintilaRemus Vintila

          ive heard thats a relatively common issues with german cars, but as far as i know, that noise should at least be less pronounced with the front wheels off the ground (there was no change in my case), and the noise should be the same if i turned the steering wheel, or the road wheels. mine only happened if i turned the steering wheel


            This is the best way to locate and extinguish your problem. It’s waste of time trying to guess where the sound is coming from. Let the technology do the work for you.


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