
Starter Replacement

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  • #634396
    Salvador AlascoSalvador Alasco

      I am about to replace my starter for my 2001 Chevy Tahoe. My question is, if the old starter unit did not incorporate any “shim”, should I put a shim in case the replacemnet part came with one ? Or do I just install the new starter without the shim like it did before I took the old one out ?

      Also, do I need to bring along with me the old starter (core) and avail of a discounted price for a new one ?



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    • #634401

        When you bought one, did you inquire about core charge? At least, call and find out.
        If you going to any chain parts store, it is WISE to bring removed part with you. Nothing is more frustrating than shuttling back and fore as a whole is not in the right place, or plug is different configuration. Just to find out, after 3 trips, that they actually do NOT have the RIGHT part.

        David RoddickDavid Roddick

          I am old school regarding starters and would be concerned that if I did not get the new one lined up just right I’d tear it and/or the flywheel up. I would not know from looking at it if needed a shim or not or if was lined up property to engage the teeth of the flywheel correctly. It would be a project that I would do but I’d have someone with me that knows more so it’s a learning experience as well as a doing experience. And also so I don’t tear something up while trying to fix something. You will have to be the judge if that also applies to you. Good luck.


            I would take the old starter with you to not only make sure you get the right one but to avoid a core charge if it’s a reconditioned starter you’re buying.

            I find that newer engines don’t usually need a shim. I install it as is and if it sounds bad when engaging then I add a shim. Just don’t start it 20 times that way.

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