
Starter grinding after start – Diagnosis?

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  • #555586
    Don HolgDon Holg


      I’ve got a 2003 PT cruiser, 2.4l, 78000k (I live in Canada so metric).

      Recently I’ve had an intermittent problem where when I turn the key in the ignition the car starts and then immediately I hear this grinding noise. The internet has informed me this must be my starter sticking to the flywheel and that I should replace the starter. I’m a big ETCG fan and I thought I’d come here and see if that really is the only thing to do, replace the starter? Is there anything else it could be and are there any diagnostic steps I should go through to figure that out?

      No other known issues, no codes being thrown, all other electrical seems to work fine. My idle dropped super low the other day, but that only happened once and hasn’t happened since.

      Thanks a ton for any help

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    • #555592

        a starter should not effect idle… however if the starter is sticking too the flywheel it should not, beacuse the starter has whats called a helix on the shaft, when the gear on the starter comes in contact with the flywheel the helix which is sort of a corkscrew forces the starter gear onto the flywheel or flexplate, then once the engine starts and is running under its own power it spins the starter gear much faster than the starter is spinning, this causes the gear too ride the helix and the twisting motion of the helix is supposed too pull the starter gear away from the flywheel.

        Gumpy GussGumpy Guss

          It may not need replacing, maybe it just needs a little grease on the sliding gear, where it slides.

          It only needs to be replaced if there is some major mechanical problem, like a scarred shaft, major corrosion, or chipped or bent teeth on the gear.

          Most shops will opt for replacing the whole thing, as that’s more of a sure fix, and purely coincidentally, makes them more money.

          Don HolgDon Holg


            It is occuring to me now that it sticks more when cold. Is this indicative of anything?

            Gumpy GussGumpy Guss

              Yeah, that indicates the grease is stiffer in cold weather, or the metal parts just bind up more in the cold.

              college mancollege man

                  If you have ever changed the starter on a PT Cruiser you would only want to do it once. If you can afford a replacement starter don’t play around with it, just replace it.

                  I’m sure it’s started your car hundreds of times and they do wear out.

                  Just my opinion however.

                  EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                    I too was going to recommend lubricating the slider gear but after reading wysetech’s post I’m wondering if you might be better off replacing it. If it’s a particularly difficult R&R, you might consider replacement over repair. You might repair it only to find in a couple of months it starts to do it again.

                    Keep us posted.

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