
Sqeaking noise when it rains

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  • #639068

      The car makes a squeaking noise when it rains. Is it the serpentine belt or possibly something else?

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    • Author
    • #639080
      Thomas FerryThomas Ferry

        It might be but more then likely no. It could be as simple as your tires squeaking. I’ve seen this happen before with tires that arent the right pressure. The other option you might wanna look at is your bushings on your sway bar and other parts that are rubber and make close contact with the road.

        I’d try this. Next time it rains check to make sure your tires are properly inflated first. Secondly get some silicon lubricant spray and get some inbetween said bushings if sound goes away you just discovered your faulty bushing and should replace it.


          The noise is there even when the car isn’t moving


            So under the hood.

            Mine does the same thing in high humidity, noise kind of comes and goes. In my case it is the power steering pump. I am too cheap to install a new one so I just live with it.

            The most likely candidate in a case like this is the tensioner pulley. You might want to learn how to investigate this yourself cause even a simple job like changing one is something a shop is gonna bend you over for.


              The way you explain the noise is very likely the belt(s). When you hear the noise try spraying a little water on the belt(s) and see if the noise changes. If it does then you have found the source of the noise.
              If you replace the belt(s) be sure all of the pulleys and tensioner are in line before you do.

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