
Speedo crazy, fuse blowing, CEL on, no code

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Speedo crazy, fuse blowing, CEL on, no code

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  • #863597

      Hi guys,

      My little old 98 civic is having a bad day.

      The speedo Was flapping like a bird. Sometimes (especially at a stop) it generally tracks with the tac, but driving up the road it’s either flying around or dead.
      I tried loading the alternator by running with high beams on, didn’t seem to make difference.

      I put volt meter across the batt terminals, just the instant the engine climbs from idle it drops from 14.1ish. To 13.6ish

      The beep for leaving keys in ignition or headlights on without key isn’t functioning.

      Keeps blowing fuse 15 in cabin which is listed as “alternator, SP sensor”

      The CEL doesn’t remember it was tripped once the car is off for 10 seconds. Once it runs for 5-10 seconds the light comes back on. At idle the CEL is lit and pulsing between on and bright on.
      At highway speed it’s just on.

      Both code readers pep boys had said No codes now or in memory.

      My gut tells me voltage regulator is going even though the volt meter shows it holding at 14.1ish even when I mess with the throttle.

      What do you guys think?

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    • Author
    • #863605
      Participant LpNoP02FUzA


          That fuse that keeps blowing, does it fail every time you fire up the engine, or is it a random thing?

          Also, have you noticed anything that might indicate a water leak from the windshield? Say, like a damp carpet or occasional traces of moisture anywhere in the dashboard area or the driver’s door panel?

          Nicholas ClarkNicholas Clark

            I don’t think that your voltage should be anywhere near 13.6 while it’s running. I think the internal regulator in your alternator is going bad. Just my 2 cents. Good luck!


              That 14.1 volts sounds a bit high. It could be about right if the battery is super good and there is not a large electrical load applied. (Lights off, cabin fan off, stereo off, etc, etc)

              A poor connection between the alternator and battery could also cause something like this. (Corrosion on cable ends, poor connection at fusible link, etc)


                FOUND IT!!!!



                Its a known issue with this generation Civic! The wires in harness for C115 rubs on the intake manifold bracket and after time the that frays the wires!

                Interestingly enough, the auto parts stores said the tester indicated the batter was in great shape but that the alternator could not be tested due to low battery voltage :huh:

                I was terrified either my alternator voltage regulator was going or that I had a short which would have the alternator running at 110% output
                potentially causing a fried electronics and ECU or a fire and fried alternator, respectively.

                NOW: how do I clean these probably frayed wires?? they are soaked in oil… evidently did the valve cover gasket replacement wrong this spring because the problem is as bad as it was before…..

                I investigated brake kleen and WD40…. let alone that they both say dont use on plastic… they leave residue and are flammable…. contact cleaner also says its flammable…

                spray bottle of soap and water??

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