
Spark Plugs

  • Creator
  • #631955
    Jim HutchingsJim Hutchings

      So I am looking for the spark plug wire diagram as i can not remember where the spark plug wires go. back 1 , 3, 5 and 2, 4, 6 front of car. When plugging in the wires from plug 1 to spot 1 on distributor. Not sure if this is correct or not. When did all i got was a click when trying to start.

      Any Suggestions?


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    • Author
    • #631957
      none nonenone

        We’ll need year, make, and model if anybody is going to be able help you.

        Jim HutchingsJim Hutchings

          2000 Pontiac Grand Am V6. I got it started but its got a little bit of a back fire for some reason. One spark plug not right Maybe.

          Jim HutchingsJim Hutchings

            So I got the car running and everything seems to be fine other than a little miss fire (possibly back fire) not sure if its a spark plug or maybe the one injector that I had problems with when i put it in. Has a little hesitation when i took it out around the block for a test spin.

            Whats your guys thoughts?

            Can an injector cause hesitation? Or a spark plug cause hesitation?

            none nonenone

              That car shouldn’t have a distributor in it. It will have a waste spark system with three individual coil packs mounted onto the ignition module over the rear bank. There’s a lot of things that can cause your hesitation/miss and crossed plug wires is one of them. Staring into your engine bay at the coil pack, the plug wires should be connected to the coils in this order: 5-2-3-6-4-1

              Start with that and let us know what you find.

              Good luck.

              Jim HutchingsJim Hutchings

                So when you say 5 2 3 6 1 4 not sure what you mean. When looking at the front of the car the first spark plug on the passenger side goes to which number on the coil pack and so on for the other two. Also same with the back spar
                k plugs.


                none nonenone

                  The numbers printed on the coils correspond with the cylinder they’re supposed to be firing. Number 5 on the coil pack fires the cylinder in the rear closest to the driver’s side, number 2 fires the cylinder on the front farthest toward the passenger side, and so forth.

                  I think I messed you up on your cylinder orientation which you actually seem to have had figured out just fine from the start. I made you a drawing which I’m hoping undoes any damage I may have done. It’s a tad silly, but still very valid. Lucky for you, I used the virtual crayons instead of real crayons. My monitor would look silly and I’d still be eating the colors I didn’t smear all over my monitor.

                  Jim HutchingsJim Hutchings

                    Perfect that was it. I had 1 and 5 mixed up and all is good now. Thanks a million.

                    none nonenone

                      You’re welcome. Always glad to help.

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