
Snap on Tools Decision

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      While I am in automotive school. I

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    • #454261

        I can recommend Snap-On or Matco for tools that you will use on a fastener such as your wrenches, sockets and screwdrivers. They are built to tight tolerances and their warranty is superb (just save your invoices). Craftsman Professional is a huge step up from their regular tool series but they only have select tools available and even less are in stock at their stores. That being said if you are just starting out in the field you certainly have to be cautious on how much you spend (from a loan) even before getting your first paycheck. Another thing to consider is what dealer will be available to you at your shop. Because as a mechanic it really comes down to the convenience of service.


          I prefer MATCO but do have Snap On Tools also.

          However, i wouldn’t go too much into debt when starting out in the automotive field just incase you have a hard time finding a job placement or you find out you dont like wrenching on peoples vehicles day in day out after a few years.


            Thanks for the posts. I will probably stick to reg. craftsman. As for now I am going to start getting a tool every paycheck whether it is sockets or something simple.
            I really appreciate your help.


              Quoted From gugar1:

              Thanks for the posts. I will probably stick to reg. craftsman. As for now I am going to start getting a tool every paycheck whether it is sockets or something simple.
              I really appreciate your help.

              Don’t forget to check craigs list. it is amazing ( and sad ) how much mechanics tools are for sale these days ( and how little they are being sold for ) I have a friend who worked in the idustry for 35 years and is now unable to do to being disabled. he is selling his complete set. a snap-on intimidator 2 box completely full ( 150,000 invested ) he is asking 30,000. it is a heck of a deal.


                i was in the same position you were in about a year ago. Went to a Technical High school, the snap-on guy came into class one day with the same offer. I said to myself this guy is crazy, i dont even want to be a mechanic. Well here i am now, the day i graduated high school i got a job as a lube tech, now a line tech. I bought nothing from snap-on while still in high school, a week ago i dropped over 5gs on tools. I kick myself in the butt everyday for not buying tools at %50 off.

                If i was you i would buy the tools, tools that you don’t have already, maybe some specialty tools. its a good investment! Even if you decide working on cars isn’t for you, you will have tools that will last you a lifetime and that you will later pass on to your kids.


                  Try Lowes’ Kobolt tools. Same tolerances as Snap-on.

                  KZ 259KZ 259

                    i personally do not see the difference between craftsman pro and their regular line of tools. i do own some craftsman pro and some craftsman and i think its just a gimmick : – /

                    Sang Kimskim3544

                      I have been using Craftsman tools for past 10 years and if any of them break, I would not be replacing them with Craftsman tools – their quality sucks now. They used to be OK 10 years ago but now I would rate Craftsman tools below the junk tools from China. I find that some made in Taiwan tools are now stronger and better than Craftsman (esp. air tools) so there really isn’t any reason to spend more money to get Craftsman tools. Still made in USA, but with lower quality steel. Their jack, and jack stands are now made in China.


                        i would go buy a special tool for specific job. putting tonnes of money in a wrench and regular sockets is not advisable for now and for less $100 i could buy a quality wrench which is maximum wrench set.


                          Here’s the same advice I give to everyone just getting into this line of work. Stay off of the tool trucks until you’re absolutely certain that this is what you want to do for a living. I’ve seen lots of people come into this field, drop thousands of dollars right out of the gate on a big tool box and some tools to put in it, only to discover, 6 or 7 months down the road, that they can’t stand turning a wrench for a living and now they’re stuck with a huge tool bill for tools that they don’t want anymore.

                          Get tools from Sears or Harbor Freight when you’re starting out, that way if you discover that you don’t like this sort of thing, you’ve only got a couple hundred tied up in tools rather than a few grand. Just know that tools from Harbor Freight are cheaper for a reason, they’re not going to hold up to constant, daily use the way that professional grade tools will, but you’re going to pay for the quality.


                            Honestly? Go for Kobalt hand tools and get your self a Harbor freight US General toolbox. Honestly I think the quality is much better then craftsman. Can’t say for Snapon or Matco but for the price? Seriously you do NOT want to be in that much debt and the warranty with Kobalt is quite good.

                            Get your self a set of the 227 Piece Kobalt hand tool set. Along with the 49 piece Kobalt Xtreme Access tools. Set of Ratcheting wrench’s and whatever else you think you may need. Honestly? They are fantastic quality for the price. Honestly if you think something is going to break? Buy two sets of it. Its still going to be 10 times cheaper LITTERLY then Snap on.

                            Its what I would do if I went professionally into the field. I work on my car every weekend and have yet to have something break on me. Just my input, Go to Lowes and mess around with there tools you’ll be suprised.

                            Edit: I just noticed if you don’t like the grip handle on the Xtreme access set, Try getting the Thru ratchet set, Looks nice I may get me a set.

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