
Small tube in upper intake manifold of GM 3800

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  • #466070

      There is a small tube in the upper intake manifold of my 1999 pontiac grand prix, im not sure how it is suppose to sit in there. It just snaps onto the gasket but i dont know what to do with it.

      Does anyone know what im talking about?

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    • #466084
      college mancollege man

        If you could post pictures or better yet a video.
        we might be able to help you better. here is a video
        that may help you.

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          I think you’re talking about the vacuum tube for the PCV and if memory serves it just pushes into the holes and is sealed with ‘o’ rings.


            [quote=”EricTheCarGuy” post=32403]I think you’re talking about the vacuum tube for the PCV and if memory serves it just pushes into the holes and is sealed with ‘o’ rings.[/quote]



              Yes it is the curved plastic tube that just kind of hangs in there i was pretty sure it went up into the pcv compartment on the upper intake but mine didnt have on o-ring. Anyway im pretty sure it is in the correct spot. Here is a pic it is just that little pipe on the gasket.



                i actually installed mine the opposite direction as the set on napas website, could this tube incorrectly installed affect my gas milage? its been bad since i did this repair.

                EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                  Perhaps this video will help.

                  Sandra EdgarSandra Edgar

                    My husband is replacing a cracked upper intake manifold cover on our 1999 Olds 88. There is a clear (or white) small plastic tube snapped into the bottom of the cover. We have no idea where it belongs. It is about 6″ long and a curve or bend at one end. If you could tell us where it fits we would appreciate it. Thanks! I have a picture of it, but don’t know how to upload it here.


                      It would be a good time for him to replace the lower intake manifold gaskets if they haven’t been replaced before.
                      The original LIM gaskets eventually go bad and the result can be disastrous for the engine.
                      The tube in question is the PCV tube.
                      The curved tube end slides into a recess in the PCV chamber –which he will see if he looks at the PCV end of the UIM on the inside.
                      The long flat part of it snaps into the clips of the gasket that it is partly clipped onto in your picture.

                      Quoting from this Pontiac Bonneville Club Tech Info post
                      Fit the J-shaped, plastic PCV tube with the short end up into the PCV chamber on the passenger end of the UIM. Snap the long straight part of the PCV tube into the clips on the UIM gasket. Fit the plastic dowels on the UIM gasket into position and attach the gasket to the UIM. Check carefully to make sure the gasket fits around the runners completely and is lying flat. This may take a little adjustment. The runner insert on the UIM is separate and will move a bit to allow for a better fit on the gasket.

                      Crucial to the longevity of the UIM is the installation of the replacement stovepipe (the 2 things to the left of the spring in the picture.)
                      They provide 2 so you can choose whichever one fits your lower intake.
                      Read more at the link provided above.(Note: he calls it an RD pipe/ reduced diameter pipe)

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