It could be a number of things Usually, failing ignition systems tend to show themselves when under stress, so you may want to try looking for ignition leaks:
+1 on Beefys comment that weak/failing ignition systems tend to act up under stress.
You stated that the vehicle has 131k miles – have the sparkplugs ever been changed?
Can you get the vehicle to do it standing still? Maybe try to brake torque it and see
Wow you guys are on it. I agree it does sound ignition related as stated ignition problems often show up under load and won’t always set a check engine light, of course if you do have a check engine light look into that first.
This is really great guys. I really appreciate it. No check engine light. Dash is clear of all warning lights. Gonna start with the easiest fix first and go from there. Went out and got brand new plugs and will change them out sometime this week. If that solves it great, if not, going on to the next step. Will update as progress is made.
I have to question universal joints in drive shafts if this has them.
In the past 30 years of pickups, I have seen this happen a number of times under a load.
I guess I missed the part of the rpm fluttering!