
setting timing advance with light dial

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here setting timing advance with light dial

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  • #492343

      hi im getting ready to fire up my new crate engine and every things getting dialed i just need to know what my advanced timming should be on a 5.9 dodge 360 gas stock engine for my slt larrame 1500 THANK YOU . :side: :silly: :whistle:

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    • #493099
      sam priemsam priem

        the drbIII is the dealership scan tool specific for the 90’s/early 2000’s dodge vehicles. its a handheld tool and is portable but the dealership wont let it leave the shop. the other tool that i know for a fact has the ability is the OTC genisys 5.0. awesome tool and very common (mac and matco also make the same tool its just a different name but i believe all 3 are supported by SPX)


          hey SAM every thing went awsome went through all my steps no leaks in rails nor any where else fired up and ran smooth and did 16 miniutes at 1800 rpms ran like a champ to morrow high performance shop will set distributer 110.00 not a bad savings on the hole procedure. THANKS TO YOU YOUR MY HERO BRO THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING AND ERIC FOR SHURE and thanks colledge man AND YES IT ALL HELPED!!!!!!!!!!YOUR AWSOME !!!! THANK YOU!!!SAM ill be in touch thanks…

          sam priemsam priem

            thanks for the update. glad to hear everything worked out for you. good luck with the new engine.


              hi sam or any one i have a question regarding the metal diafram that the oil filter screws onto switched over to new Engine seemed pretty tight coming off is there a spec for going back on or do i just make it tight tight gasket is on and lube in oil? is that correct and is there a torque spec for going on?????????

              sam priemsam priem

                just wrap a shop rag around it, lube the ring with oil and get it nice and snug by hand. the gasket will do the rest.


                  AWSOME THANKS SAM!!!!!!!!

                  EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

                    Honestly I couldn’t have been much help on this one but I’m glad you got everything all worked out. Well done forum!

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