
setting timing advance with light dial

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here setting timing advance with light dial

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      hi im getting ready to fire up my new crate engine and every things getting dialed i just need to know what my advanced timming should be on a 5.9 dodge 360 gas stock engine for my slt larrame 1500 THANK YOU . :side: :silly: :whistle:

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    • #492345
      sam priemsam priem

        is it the same engine that you pulled out earlier with the fuel pressure issue or a new engine? i ask because the 360 crate is an LA stle block and has a different fuel and ignition system


          its the exact same engine 360 magnum 5.9 gas thanks a mechanic told me 20 deg what do you recomend i seen a great vid guy said set your dial to advanced setting then have your light hit tdc easy i value your thoughts on this THANKS…..


            its actualy a new crate engine rebuilt complete with intake and sims tested the exact match of what i pulled…I got it from s&j engines….THANKS I REALLY APPRICIATE IT..


              99 dodge 1500 slt larrame

              sam priemsam priem

                if you’re hooking it up to a stock computer, then the ignition timing is preset in the computer. usualy adjusted with a bi-direction computer analyzer or a tuner. other than that, the 5.9 timing CANT be adjusted. adjusting the distributor affects FUEL SYNC. which is read with a bi directional tool.

                This is copied from the 99 dodge factory service manual:

                CAUTION: Base ignition timing is not adjustable on
                any engine. Distributors do not have built in centrifugal
                or vacuum assisted advance. Base ignition
                timing and timing advance are controlled by the
                Powertrain Control Module (PCM). Because a conventional
                timing light can not be used to adjust distributor
                position after installation, note position of
                distributor before removal.

                (1) Connect DRB scan tool to data link connector.
                The data link connector is located in passenger compartment,
                below and to left of steering column.
                (2) Gain access to SET SYNC screen on DRB.
                (3) Follow directions on DRB screen and start
                engine. Bring to operating temperature (engine must
                be in “closed loop” mode).
                (4) With engine running at idle speed, the words
                IN RANGE should appear on screen along with 0°.
                This indicates correct distributor position.
                (5) If a plus (+) or a minus (-) is displayed next to
                degree number, and/or the degree displayed is not
                zero, loosen but do not remove distributor holddown
                clamp bolt. Rotate distributor until IN RANGE
                appears on screen. Continue to rotate distributor
                until achieving as close to 0° as possible. After
                adjustment, tighten clamp bolt to 22.5 N·m (200 in.
                lbs.) torque.
                The degree scale on SET SYNC screen of DRB is
                referring to fuel synchronization only. It is not
                referring to ignition timing. Because of this, do
                not attempt to adjust ignition timing using this
                method. Rotating distributor will have no effect on
                ignition timing. All ignition timing values are controlled
                by powertrain control module (PCM).
                After testing, install air cleaner assembly.

                the DRBIII is a chrysler specific scan tool. most scan tools that are bi-directional have this function. you may have to take it to a shop to have it set. just make sure you tell them that they CAN NOT ADJUST IGNITION TIMING WITH A TIMING LIGHT. its a common mistake with people that work on dodge trucks. most of my automotive training is based around the second generation dodge ram so i’ve seen this come up MANY times. i cant count the amount of times ive had to fix fuel sync because alot of mechanics dont know about the fuel sync VS ignition timing adjustments.

                hope that helps


                  awsome thanks again thats why i come here first i will definately lookj into a shop whos aware of this i also may know someone with exp and the right tools THANKS AGAIN!!!!

                  sam priemsam priem

                    glad to help. btw i have access to the 1999 dodge ram factory service manual so if there are any other questions about getting that engine back in, let me know and i’ll try to help the best i can.


                      thanks all in and went pretty easy age and 4th time around helped especially liked all the wire plugs convenient just need to finnish radiator assembly and clutch fan and lube and check rails for leaks feel pretty confident step one no plugs no spark no fuel and lube new engine a few times step two check for leaks in rails assembly none great now put in spark plugs, Plug in injecters and plug in distributer now fire it up with distributer as close as possible line up #1 tower to to roter TDC on combust stroke snug bolt and fire it up use a DRB scan tool and lock down distributer now let it run a while watching radiator fluid levels and for leaks once all doors have been opened and no leaks begin break in period as long as i lock down distributer computer will take over from settings already programmed or does that need adjusted if thats true i wuold need a mechanic with 2nd gen knowledge and tools correct thats a tool i need to learn for my truck you have been extremley HELPFULL and i really appreciate it this engine means alot to me my lively hood thanks again and i will for sure!!!!!!!!! :side: MY first dodge engine 😛


                        hi sam another question what grade oil should i put in my new crate engine for initial start up and break in that same mechanic that TOLD me 20 degrees also told me that valvoline 20/50racing oil vr1 high in zink is what i should use he also showed me zink additives to add to other oil low in zink i really would like to hear from you what you recomend thanks so much for helping me in these matters i really appreciate your advice 🙂 :dry: :S i just read my owners manual and they recommend 10w-30 SAE all handled sam thanks again!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

                        college mancollege man

                          If the owners manual says 10w-30 then thats what goes in.
                          No additives.Find another mechanic.This guy does not sound good.


                            hi sam got the oil situated and in tommorrow ill try to find a shop to set my distributer with a DRB scanner :silly: i went with what my owners manual said and thanks college man!!!!

                            sam priemsam priem

                              10W-30 conventional (dont use synthetic) is what i use to break in new engines. Valvoline is my prefered brand of conventional. when i break in new engines, i usualy put about 250 EASY miles on it (basicaly a full tank of gas). i know some people beat on their engines during the break in period. i never do. i take it slow and easy. once a full tank is burnt through, do another oil change with 10w-30 conventional. i usualy run that for about 1500-2000 miles. after that you can switch to other oils like synthetic or a 5w-30 and run it from there on, just like normal change it every 3000 miles.

                              and btw, it doesnt have to be the DRBIII. most bi-directional scan tools can adjust fuel sync as long as the shop has the vehicle specific options on the scanner.

                              hope that helps


                                hi sam i have a question for you i have it on TDC combustion stroke distributer tower #1 directly on roter position and distributer is snugged down only my question is will that be close enough for the initial starting up and running for 15 min at 1800 rpm and can i manualy tweek distributer if needeed to smooth out then ill go and get my timing sync does that sound ok :)and yes i used valvoline SAE10w-30 vr1 with zink THANKS SAM 😛

                                sam priemsam priem

                                  that should be close enough. the distributor is extremly sensitive so you might have to tweek it just a tiny bit to get it to go. the only way you can really find out is by seeing if it will start. once it gets running you can adjust it to get it to settle down a little bit but you’ll never get it exact. it’ll get you to the shop though. if it needs any adjusting after you start it, adjust it in tiny incriments (just the flex in the disributor shaft will throw it off a couple degrees so be careful or you will kill the engine and youll have to start over).


                                    awsome thanks i have been looking into the right guys with the right tools for the job only when im certain i have the right shop ill have them sync eveything perfectly i just hope if i trust my self and i do i want the initial lube install plugs check rails and start up then ill have a shop or person set it to sync for me are those types of DRB scantools only in shops or are they portable and hand held to come to my location?????ive researched them today in many aves to fimilarise myself with this vital tool and proper procedure thanks alot i really value your experience and i love my truck 🙂 😛 B) :silly: :side: 🙂 and my new ENGINE !!!!!!

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