I use standard jack stands, but I value my health and life so high that I take extra time to put something strong under the car (in my case wheels removed from car I’m working on). I put them in a place I’m not working on, but the car will be supported on disks in case jack stands fail, I don’t care about damage done to car in this scenario.
In case jack stands would fail the car would drop on that object, not on me. In normal situation this object is not supporting car maybe not even touch it. But in case car drops it gives me enough space to escape, and a safer feeling while working under a car specially if situations when higher torque or force is required. (changing clutch and removing or putting back transmission for example).
Jack stands just look too me to tiny to they’re rated capacity, I have a 3 ton jack stands, so 4 of them are able to hold 12 ton. But they look so tiny and skinny that it does not make me feel safe, so I put tires under the car.
As important as jack stands is proper floor to put them on, sometimes the floor could fail (asphalt for example), or the car could just fall without braking jack stands.
That’s how I work.
1) Jack up the car
2)put it on Jack stands.
3) Then I try to shake the car and make sure I can not get the car to fall,
4) then I put tires under the car, (IF small job and no big forces applied to car, sometimes I skip this step)
5) and only then I lay my body under the car.