UPDATE: So the car was running GREAT (Still noisy though) for over an hour. I turn it off, then start it back up and it stalls and throws a crankshaft position sensor code, but I then started up and ran fine. Went out for a drive, and was driving it hard, it stalled after around 15 minutes or so and would NOT start up. It once again threw a crank shaft position sensor code. (I think it was P0335?)
I still had the salvage yard sensor on it, so I swapped it out with known good one. Nothing. Then I looked inside the hole to see if the reluctor ring was in good shape. Seemed a bit rusty, but I don’t think that would effect the operation of the sensor would it?
I then buzzed out the wiring from the sensor to the connector on the main computer, and the wiring was in good shape. I checked for spark, and it seemed very erratic, clearly telling me it is having timing trouble. I once again did a compression test on one of the cylinders to see if the chain had maybe jumped a tooth or something and messed up the timing. It has great compression.
So I am literally out of options as to why it is doing this. Why would it run great for awhile then stall? I can’t think of anything else that would cause the. I then scanned the computer again and got P0335 again, P0206, and P0412. Which are an injector circuit failure, and a secondary air injection failure. So now I am leading to maybe the engine-to-body ground? Or Some sort of grounding issue?