
Saab 95 2000 2.3 turbo feels very feeble in lower

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Saab 95 2000 2.3 turbo feels very feeble in lower

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  • #669776

      Howdy dirty guys
      well I am not the dirtiest guy when it comes to cars. And I’m trying to learn a little bit more so that I can come pretty close to being dirty
      On cars as compared to girls.
      So I’m driving this 2000 SAAB 95 2.3 turbo manual transmission 175k . And I have some questions as regards its performance
      — I kind of feel that sometimes in lower gear like 2nd or 3rd the car feel very feeble and I have to take to the right lane and let others pass before I can pick up enough speed.
      I don’t really rev the car on high rpm but I expect with just normal driving I should have enough power then be pushed around in the right lane.
      — many of times in 5th gear the car feels like it is idling hi. It makes me think that I’m probably not in overdrive.
      — occasionally on a hot afternoon when I start up from park Isee bluish white smoke coming off from the exhaust. Typically it would only be on a summer afternoon.

      I am thinking of getting A air fuel mix needle
      Would that help to let me know where the problem is.
      What Does this sound like based on the symptoms so far. could it be the oxy sensor .I will expect a check engine light correct?
      Recently I got a check engine light because one of the hoses got disconnected. I not only changed all vacuum hoses but also changed d turbo dump valve to a more advanced forge type off piston valve.

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    • Author
    • #835208

        Clogged cats usually point to a problem somewhere else . .. Long ago I had this problem on an m p v…. Myself being just a layman… Those diagnostic doctors ….. A s e Certified etc …. Ask me to get brand new cats… The problem was the distributor and it blew off the new cats too , before we nailed it down. I hope I m not opening another Pandora’s box.

        Sent from my JY-S3 using Tapatalk

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