
Retrieving Navigation Codes, 2006 Honda Odyssey

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge The EricTheCarGuy Video Forum Retrieving Navigation Codes, 2006 Honda Odyssey

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  • #528299
    EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

      You may run into this at some point. The cards or hood stickers often get lost and you have to go on a navigation code hunt. With a little time and some help from a local Honda dealer you should be able to get your code back.

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    • Author
    • #528851
      Lord IhcalamLord Ihcalam

        what is the point of locking a stereo/nav if all you have to do to unlock it is get the serial number and call the dealer? seems like a stupid feature designed to annoy diy’ers to me.

        EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

          Some dealers make you give the vin when you ask for the code. They know me at the dealer that I called so it wasn’t a problem.

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