
Replacing the Throttle Body Assembly

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge Service and Repair Questions Answered Here Replacing the Throttle Body Assembly

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  • #563370

      If I was to replace the entire Throttle Body Assembly along with a new (Valve Set, Rotary Air Control)is it factory set or will I need to have Honda reset the idle and computer to run with the new parts?

      Is Valve Set, Rotary Air Control the same as (IAC)?

      My car comes close to killing once I am at a full stop. Example: I am going from stop light to stop light. Each time I come to a stop the RPM’s go way down close to killing one time. Then it evens out. But if the fan kicks on it comes close to killing once again. I was told this is the IAC going bad. Is this true?

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    • Author
    • #563383
      george gonzalez

        You probably shouldn’t just throw expensive parts at it. A throttle body will cost you $300 to $600 plus another $150 to $300 for the IACV, plus installation, and it’s not guaranteed to fix the problem.

        The problem could be almost anything, a sticking IACV, or sticking EGR, or a dirty spark plug, or almost anything.

        Throwing nearly $1,000 at it is not guaranteed to help.

        college man

          What year make model and engine size is this?
          How many miles? here is a link to help you.
          click the symptoms you are having.


            It’s a 2001 Honda Civic EX, 1.7 VTEC, 170,000 miles (just rebuilt the engine and put 4,000 miles on that so far.

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