
Receiver Drier Question

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  • #588763
    Sam ThompsonSam Thompson

      I have a 1986 BMW 325es. I have been rebuilding and converting the air conditioner to r134a, but I have a question. Last year, I replaced all the seals, expansion valve, and receiver drier. The system ended up leaking through the condenser and compressor, and therefore, I was unable to use it last year. In the past few weeks, I have been rebuilding the system with a new condenser and I rebuilt the compressor; however, I still have the one year old receiver drier. When I removed the compressor this winter, there was still a small amount of pressure in the system, so I covered the inlets to the receiver drier in order to be able to reuse it. I had the compressor off for only 3 days and now the system is together, but I have to get it evacuated again before I recharge. My question regards the receiver drier: do you think it is necessary to replace it, or should I replace it too?
      Thanks for any advice.
      P.S. What would be a normal operating vent temperature of a converted a/c system in a Ohio summer (85 degrees)?

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    • Author
    • #588770

        I would assume on the side of it being bad depending on cost. With the probable cost of what you have already put into it, spending $50 or less on a receiver dryer is worth it. While the system was apart did you have the receiver dryer capped or left open? If it was left open then definitely replace it.

        college mancollege man
          EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

            If it’s in question and it’s affordable I say replace it. Also, be sure to make sure the system holds vacuum before you charge it up. If it can’t hold vacuum, it can’t hold a refrigerant charge. Details in the above article.

            Good luck and keep us posted.

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