
READ BEFORE POSTING!! Properly Posting A “For Sale

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge For Sale/Wanted READ BEFORE POSTING!! Properly Posting A “For Sale

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  • #464348
    Wyatt TalleyWyatt Talley

      READ BEFORE POSTING!! Properly Posting A “For Sale”
      First you have to think about the audience. People are inclined to decide when a visual is presented to them. You want to make sure that the audience can see what your trying to sell. The Object is to sell the item not to confuse people.

      Most common mistakes:
      1. No picture, price, important details, and location.
      a. This causes wasteful bandwidth and post because our users will have to either PM or post asking those fundamental questions in order to figure if they should buy.
      b. If you are vague or indecisive don’t post. we’ll know if your trying to deceive use if you post less information.

      Make sure the title is clear. Don’t put “Rims”. Make sure its Specific like “16” Bronze Mugen MF8″. Don’t put Emoticons in your title since they disabled them in the forums now. Don’t have to put “For Sale” or “FS” because its in the for sale topic. It just wastes space for specific information. Putting year of the item is good too like in case of a car or part from a specific year. “93′ Isle Green del Sol Si” or “96′ Front bumper”. Its up to you if you want to put the price at the end of the topic. It might help. If your item has been sold, edit your thread and change it to SOLD or “ Chicken del Sol

      This is an important topic. Pictures will make the sale or lose one. I suggest if you don’t have a place to upload them, use or or here on the forum. Thumb nailing your items help keep the post clean.

      coming soon or never.

      A few quick tips you can rely on are:
      1. Post a picture in before the text.
      2. If interested the audience will read the text.
      3. Make sure you post the location of the item and the final price(Include shipping)
      4. Use spell check
      5. Research before posting.
      6. is a great image hosting site to use.
      7. No camera, no problem, use your fancy words to “wuu” your audience.
      8. Don’t Multi-Post
      9. Thumbnails have a cleaner appearance(Imageshack has this option)
      10. Provide a reliable contact number/email
      11. Make sure the Title is clearly what your selling(if multi items then ignore)
      12. If your selling a car tell us, oil, transmission fluid, time belt, tune up changes so we know what kinda condition its in.
      13. If you have any Feedback add a link to the feedback sticky Using the command below.
      Look at my good feedback!
      14. Take your time. write it in notepad then post. if you have less then 100 words on an item then its most likely not going to be cared about.
      A Moderator adds:
      15. For Sale threads will be cleaned of discouraging remarks as deemed necessary by the moderators. Sellers should not make inflammatory comparisons of their prices vs another seller. People responding to FS threads should keep their posts clean and positive. Responders with the same item to sell are invited to start their own thread. Remarks should not be disparaging of the seller’s price. Such remarks will not be tolerated. Members breaking this rule will be subject to penalty.


      Quote:Subject: 16″ Rota C8 Full Royal Sport Bronze With Toyo Proxies FZ4

      I’ve had these rims for about 4,000miles. They are displayed with 4x Authentic Mugen caps which are $150 extra. I’m looking to sell these for $1000 but give me offers. They still have good thread and are very clean.

      Price: $1000 OBO
      Extras: $150 Mugen caps
      Location: Sacramento, CA 95823

      Rota’s Website

      Toyo’s Website…gory=sport


      Multi-item SALE Section:

      Although it seems like a great idea and take less space and easier to manage. I strongly disagree using this method. Most of the time Users are checking them because they might sell something they want and find them selves with parts they don’t want. But this section is not for me to rant about why i don’t like them. Its about making it much more detailed.

      This is the most problematic part. I know you do this because it attracts more users, but its wrong in my opinion. The least you can do is label what kind of items. Instead of wasting valuable characters like (~!_^*) use them for details.

      Before posting your items. Please provide the location and shipping sender(UPS, USPS, Fedex)

      1. Thumbnails are perfect. Bandwidth is eaten when you post full size.
      2. Titles should have some detail EXSad!~Vic’s RARE JDM PARTS~!)


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    • Author
    • #464491

        Great write up and thanks for posting!

        Alex F.Alex F.

          Good Advise Thanks

          Alex F.Alex F.

            Good Advise Thanks

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