
Problems with posting replies (recovery suggestion)

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  • #452483

      I just read Dreamer2355 lost a reply and had to repost. The same thing happened to me a few minutes ago. On my second try, I copied my text to Notepad before clicking the “submit” button. If it loses the post I have a quick & easy way to re-try. –Gen3

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    • Author
    • #452484
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        We are actually working on those issues and I’ve had them as well. I’ve noticed that if I just hit the ‘back’ button when it goes back to the previous page the post is still there so you can resubmit it or copy and paste that to a notepad before you try again. Thanks for pointing that out.


          Quoted From Gen3:

          I just read Dreamer2355 lost a reply and had to repost. The same thing happened to me a few minutes ago. On my second try, I copied my text to Notepad before clicking the “submit” button. If it loses the post I have a quick & easy way to re-try. –Gen3

          Good solution to this bug! We are working on this, it is one of our top priorities. In fact we are pouring through the server logs now to pin point this bug. It seems to be something within our Hosting Provider’s server, so we are coordinating with them. Don’t worry this will get fixed and the forums will start to tighten up in the next couple of days. Now that we have our car rebuilt, we are just fine tuning the engine to make it pur like a new born kitten! V-)

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