
Pricing jobs

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  • #556719

      this is just a quick one about pricing a job

      when pricing disc’s and pads

      the book say

      pads (wheel off) 0.45
      pads 0.75
      disc’s 0.85
      dice (pads removed) 0.20

      so what do i pick for time

      id say 0.85 as you need to take pads out to change the disc’s

      but maybe it’s 0.75 + 0.20 so that 0.95

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    • Author
    • #556794
      Kevin CriswellKevin Criswell

        I go with the last part that needs to be changed. If doing pads and discs (rotors), go with the disc labor time as that is the final item that needs to be replaced. The times for pads and wheel removal should be included in that labor time.


          I’m not sure which “book” you’re referring to 😛 , I’ve used mainly Mitchell as a labor guide throughout the years. While the discs are furthest in and there’s some shared labor, they don’t necessarily involve removing the pads from the caliper/bracket or cleaning & lubing the caliper slides, caliper hardware, etc. Most places I’ve worked pay roughly an hour flat for a pads & rotors brake job, sometimes 1.2. This of course excludes older mainly japanese cars with back of the hub serviced rotors and 4wd cars with complex hubs. Then there’s two wheel drive trucks with bearings in the rotors you must either replace or repack, plus additional torque procedures. There’s no “one time fits all” brake service number of course, but a solid flat-rate hour should be the minimum to do it right. Otherwise you’re just cutting corners at the expense of the quality of your work.

          And don’t forget to check the brake fluid and recommend flush that junk out per test strip results or mfg scheduled maintenance cycle.

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