
Pocket Screwdriver

Home Forums Stay Dirty Lounge ETCG Suggestion Box Pocket Screwdriver

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  • #630475
    Alexander BarriosAlexander Barrios

      Hello Eric, after watching tons and tons of your videos I noticed that a pocket screwdriver is very useful. I was looking for one for myself but I don’t want a Snap on or Mac, or companies I haven’t heard of. I was wondering if you would be able to create an Eric the car guy pocket screwdriver for your online store. I would definitely purchase one and I think they would be pretty popular.

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    • #630747
      EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

        Interesting idea. The items at the ETCG store are the ones available for me to do printing on from the website that handles that. In order for me to do a pocket screwdriver I would need to find a company that specializes in that type of printing to do that for me. Perhaps some day I’ll do that but I have no immediate plans for that at this time.

        Thanks for the suggestion.


          Here is one place:

          Minimum order 100, I think. Company my brother worked for ordered a bunch, then went under a week or so later. Everybody he knows got at least one.

          Gary BrownGary

            I’d buy one for myself just because I really enjoy Eric’s channel and this site. I normally use a vintage Leatherman multi-tool my dad gave me for roadside tweaks and repairs. I’d probably buy an ETCG pocket screwdriver for my brother too who is getting into auto repair himself.

            EricTheCarGuy 1EricTheCarGuy

              [quote=”DBFSubs21!” post=112038]Here is one place:

              Minimum order 100, I think. Company my brother worked for ordered a bunch, then went under a week or so later. Everybody he knows got at least one.[/quote]

              Thanks for the tip. I’ll have to look into that.

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