
Passing aftermarket cable through the firewall

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  • #492347

      Greetings all,

      2004 Chevy malibu 2.2L

      I just bought a cheap ($5) distance sensor off of ebay. The sensor itself mounts to the front of the car grill, but it’s LED output (which turns on/off to tell the driver if there is an object within 2 feet of the sensor) goes inside the driver cabin (so the driver can see it).

      –> Question: any ideas for how I pass a cable from the “outside” of the car (the engine bay/front grill) to the “inside” of the car (driver’s side)?

      Thank you for your help!

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    • Author
    • #492485
      Nick WarnerNick Warner

        Look at the firewall under the dash and you’ll see multiple spots where cables and wires go through the firewall. They pass through rubber grommets which not only seals them and keeps the noise and fumes of the engine out of the interior, it keeps wires from rubbing on metal and cut up. You should be able to find a spot in one of them to sneak your wire through easily enough. Then secure it along its path to the front of the car using zip ties and tie it to the wiring loom thats already there. Makes a nice clean install with no headaches later.


          Thank you nickwarner!


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